Chapter 2

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Vanessa's POV:

Driving away from my hom-, old home, I was engulfed in a wave of emotions. Some I couldn't even describe.

I was floating in a pool of emotions, each one threatening to drown me in their dangerous depths.

Hot tears poured down my cheeks.

I had no words; numbing shock ran down my body. What do I do now?

Countless thoughts ran through my mind; they all involved me hastily filing for divorce.

My emotions were on high alert, racking through my mind with an earth-shattering force.

For the first time in my life, I was truly lost.

The initial shock was shifting into quickly shifting into sadness, it was so painful, and I didn't know how to make it stop.

Why is it that people hurt the ones that love them the most?

Pulling over, I screamed as loud as I could, cried in frustration, and hit the steering wheel as hard as I could in my fit of anger.

It wouldn't stop- Images of them on the counter, the constant moaning and gasps of pleasure they both made.

It was torture.

Why me? Was all I could find myself thinking with my hands raked deep in my hair.

Was I a bad wife?

I couldn't help but think back to our wedding day.

I promise never hurt you. I promise never let you shed a sorrowful tear. I love you so much that it hurts.

Those vows kept replaying in my mind in a continuous loop.

Some promise that was.

Every word that he's said to me now was meaningless. He wasn't the person I thought he was, and I didn't want to be with who he was now.

I refused to go back.

I had to leave him, not because I didn't love him. He was the love of my life, and I valued every day that I spent with him.

I loved him with all my heart, and he loved me the same.

I saw the love he had for me every day.

I saw it when we kissed each other goodbye in the mornings, I saw it when I sat on his lap as he listened to how my day went.

But I loved myself more. Enough to leave when things were falling apart. Sometimes love wasn't enough. You could love someone with all that you had, and they could love you too but not with the same passion and fierceness as you love them.

After all, if they loved you, they wouldn't hurt you. That's why sometimes when you love something so much, you have to let it go, and that's what I was doing.

It just meant that I had to put him aside and move forward, even if it's without him.

It was for the better.

He broke our love and everything it was built on.

He was having a sexual affair with someone else, I couldn't put up with that, and I wouldn't.

I didn't see how anyone else could either.

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