Chapter 7

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Matthew's POV:

I've been pacing around my living room for a while now. It was eight o'clock and Vanessa was supposed to be home almost two hours ago.

I've been calling constantly, only getting her voicemail everytime. She also wasn't responding to my text messages.

This wasn't like Vanessa. If she was going to be late, she called.

What if something happened? I would never forgive myself if something happened to her especially if I was with Jenna.

What if she was just hanging out with Tamera?
If she was with Tamera, she would have let me know. I still decided to call Tamara, only to get her voicemail as well.

What if Vanessa saw him and Jenna?
If she did, it would explain her not answering her phone. She would not stay with me. I knew that for sure.


Where was she?

Vanessa had to be at Tamera's house. I was tempted to go over there to explain everything but I didn't want to make matters worse.

Anxiety, and fear rippled through my stomach. How will I win her back? She had to forgive me.

I sincerely hope she didn't see it. I'm praying that she didn't see it.

I kept telling myself that she was coming back, that she just was working late.

Deep down, I knew that wasn't true. I just didn't want to accept the truth. She saw everything.

After all, my marriage was on the line if she did.

I could make things better, I could make things right.

I had too.

Vanessa POV (day after cheating)

I didn't want to get up. Laying in bed meant I wouldn't have to deal with the issue at hand.

Thinking about what Matthew has done makes my heart hurt. I couldn't stop connecting the dots.

Of all people, why does this happen to me? Finally when things start to get right, they somehow begin to go wrong again.

It's crazy how one day you're life could be fine and everything's okay, then the next things could be spiraling out of control.

I wasn't going to take him back. I just couldn't. As much as I love him, I can't go back to him.

He broke his vows, he stepped outside of our marriage just to sleep with someone else.

That alone shows how little he values our marriage. How little he thinks of me.

He was my everything. My first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first everything. All I did was love him and this is what I get in return.

My heart felt as weighed down by a thousand bricks. I couldn't stop seeing them together.

It all hurts when it comes down to it. There was only so much I could take.

But if I didn't have the courage to grow and move on from this, I might as well die.

I wasn't alone. I had my family and friends. I could do this.

I had to keep fighting. There is something better, and this was my journey to it.

Smelling something delicious from outside the door, I got up.

Opening the door and walking towards the kitchen, I saw Tamera cooking up a storm.

"Good morning. What are you doing up before me?"

"Morning babe. I decided to make you breakfast. Eat up, you need all your strength."

She handed me a plate with an omelet and pancakes. My favorite.

Setting her plate down on the seat next to mine, she grabbed my hand and said grace.

When she finished, I blurted out what I had been thinking ever since I woke up.

"Tam, I'm filling for divorce." I said, discreetly bouncing my knee under the table at her reaction.

"I figured as much. You know I'll be there for you, and you can stay here as long as you want." She said sincerely.

"I'm going to meet up with Pablo to file as soon as possible."

"Take your time, okay. I know you're hurting."

Fighting back tears, I nodded.

Finishing up breakfast, we cleaned up the kitchen.

When we were done, I turned on my phone and saw tons of calls and messages from Matthew.

Not wanting to talk to him, I blocked his number and called Pablo.

Pablo Villafuerte was Tamera and I's friend from high school. Quick witted and clever, it wasn't a surprise to Tam and I when he decided he wanted to become a lawyer.

He was now working in a law firm, gaining experience to open his own practice in Family Law.

He was married to Yasmine, our friend from college. They had a daughter Alexandria who was my goddaughter.

She was named after me, taking my middle name.

He picked up on the first ring.


"Hey Pablo, how are you?"

"Tired. Alexandria kept me up all night wanting to watch Peppa Pig. How are you and Matt?"

At the mention of Matthew, my throat closed up.

"I- I'm fine. Can we meet tomorrow? I uh wanted to ask you, if you'll be my uh attorney?" I said while pacing back and forth.

"Vanessa is everything alright?" He said in a concerned tone.

"Matthew cheated on me and I want a divorce." I blurted out, not wanting to start crying again. "Can you be my lawyer for my divorce?"

"Vanessa, you don't even have to ask." he said in a soft voice. "I know you're hurting right now. But I'm going to need you to be ready to fight. Harder than you ever have. Understand?"

"Y-yeah I u-understand." I said with my voice trembling from trying not to cry.

"Be strong for me, for Alexandria. Ok? Is tomorrow at 10 a.m. good for you?"

"10 a.m. is good for me. I'll see you tomorrow. Give Alexandria a kiss for me."

"I'll make sure. Goodnight."

When he hung up, I couldn't hold back the sobs that escaped from my chest.

I can't wait for this to be over.

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