Chapter 4

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Tamera's POV:

Vanessa was my best friend; we grew up together.

She's been there for me when I was at rock bottom, and she helped me get myself together.

She was my rock.

She was like a sister to me, and to see her like this was heartbreaking.

Pulling back, I asked her ,"Vanessa, what happened?" The tears glistening in her eyes sent a hurt to see. I didn't like to see her cry.

The dullness in her usually bright eyes hurt to see.

"What's wrong, Nessa?" I asked gently.

She took a deep breath before saying, "I got the promotion, and my boss told to leave early. I went home to celebrate with Matt," she paused, taking a moment to gather herself.

"When I got home, I noticed this unfamiliar car in the driveway, which was odd. I went into the house thinking that something was wrong, and I found Matthew in our kitchen having s-" Her words struggled to come out until she burst into tears at the end.

Once I pieced it together, I could barely think straight. Seeing Vanessa trying not to cry got me upset all over again.

I was infuriated. "Come on, Vanessa. Let's go teach your no-good cheating husband a lesson." I spat while going to grab my keys. I was ready to kick his ass.

I was pissed. How could he do this?

Vanessa was head over heels in love with him, and he was an idiot for cheating on her.

"Tam, you shouldn't. I don't want you to get involved. It's my problem, and you already have enough on your plate." She whispered, her voice hoarse from crying.

"Nessa, you're my best friend, you are my problem." She grabbed my wrist, making me at her.

"Please don't. I'm done with him." The conviction in her eyes telling me that she was serious.

"Fine. But you're starting with me in the meantime." I said, leaving no room for her to protest.

"Obviously." She said playfully, rolling her eyes.

"Vanessa. Do you think you need to get tested?" I asked seriously.

"No," She shook her head. "We were always careful." Her words caused me to sigh in relief. I would turn into Lara Croft on his ass if he gave her anything.

"Good, did you eat?"

"I don't think anything I will stay down."

"You need to eat, Vanessa. I'll order us something."

"I'm going to shower." She said, heading up the flight of stairs.

I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Rusty's. I ordered our usual and left to pick it up.

Rusty's was our favorite soul food restaurant.

By the time I got back, Vanessa was out of the shower wearing one of the cotton pajama sets that she always left.

"You got Rusty's?" Vanessa asked in excitement, getting the plates from the cabinet.

Grabbing the plates, I put heaping amounts of food on each plate.

"I can't eat al-" She tried to protest before I offered, "Eat as much as you can before you start to feel sick." I was worried about her, she seemed so broken, and I wasn't sure if I could help her.

She nodded and ate half of it before pushing it away.

I couldn't let her starve herself like this.

"I'm done."

"But you haven't eaten dessert," I said, trying to get her to eat.

"There's dessert?" She asked, causing me to nod in response. I went over to my fridge and took out the banana pudding I made.
I grabbed two spoons before heading over to the table, where we dug into the sweet treat.

I had about two spoonfuls before I let Vanessa eat the rest.

She didn't even notice I stopped eating. It was like she was in another world as she stared at the wall, mindlessly shoving food into her mouth.



"Do you think that this is partially my fault?" Desperate tears were building up in her eyes.

Cupping her face, I said, "Listen to me, don't you ever think that this is your fault. You're not responsible for the choice he made; he decided to cheat." Looking deep into my eyes, she nodded, agreeing with me.

I hated that she blamed herself. I hated Matthew for putting her in this position in the first place.

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