Chapter 12

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Vanessa's POV:

My muscles ached for relief as I pushed myself to finish the last few meters.

Ever since I filed for divorce, I'd had a lot of time. Time that I spent working on myself.

Exercise was one of those changes. I'd started a more consistent schedule than I had before.

With my therapist, I've spent my sessions talking about how the Matthew's infidelity has made me feel and how I'm handling the divorce.

None were easy to talk about but it was a working progress.

That doesn't mean, I didn't have any setbacks.

I sometimes found myself denying that Matthew had cheated in the first place and that this was all a dream.

But seeing my wedding ring missing from my ring finger reminded me of my pending divorce.

Although Matthew's request for counseling was denied, Pablo set up a private meeting with Matthew and his lawyer to discuss our divorce settlement. It was meant to be cordial. However it didn't end that way.

"Ready to begin gentleman?" Pablo asked the men in front of us.

Both agreed before he continued, "My client doesn't want any alimony, or property ownership. All she just wants an amicable divorce." Pablo said professionally. I was grateful that he was here.

"I understand Mr. Villatorro, my client has requested to have a private conversation with Ms. Woods. Alone." Mark Peters, Matthew's attorney, voiced enunciating the last word forcefully.

Pablo turned to me to see what I wanted. I nodded in approval. This conversation was long due.

"Follow me please." Pablo led Peters' to the conference room doors, making eye contact with me on the way out.

The message in his eyes clear: If he says the wrong thing, kick his ass. If he tries to touch you, kick his ass.

I nodded, letting him know I got the message, as I tried not to laugh. He winked in return and shut the oak colored doors leaving us alone.

Turning my head, I met Matthew's eyes.

"Hi," He smiled nervously.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked getting right to the point. I couldn't wait for my divorce to be over.

"Vanessa, I understand that you're angry and you have every right to be," He said reaching out his hand to touch me, but I slapped it away.

"Come on baby, don't be like that."

"I don't know you like that so don't touch me. And don't call me baby."

"Vanessa I'm your husband." I rolled my eyes.

"Soon to be ex-husband." I retorted.

"It won't happen." He said determined.

"I don't need your permission to get a divorce."

"I won't let you." He was so motivated to keep me that he didn't realize that I was already gone.

"We're over. There's no need for any counseling, or couples therapy. I don't want be married to you any longer."

"I think counseling will help us. Please consider it, just work with me on this."

"Why should I stay and be loyal to you when you're out being unfaithful to me?" I asked exasperated. "If you can't stay loyal to me and only me, I can't be with you."

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