Chapter 17

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Matthew POV: 

The cloud clinking of pots and music woke me up. 

I lazily searched for my phone in my beige sheets. 

Pulling the covers off the bed, I realized it wasn't there. 

Panicked, I peered my head over the edge of the bed hoping it fell off. I huffed in relief once I realized it was on the floor. 

It was 9 a.m. 

"Vanessa?" My voice was loud but it was only from shock. 

Her eyes met mine. Not saying anything she turned around and continued cooking breakfast, the R&B music still playing from the speaker. 

Once she gathered the eggs to go with the bacon and waffles on her plate, she went to the dining room where she started eating. 

Vanessa was here. She was back home! 

But with bags underneath her eyes and a dull, weary face. 

My poor baby. 

I couldn't help but roar in happiness and rush over to hold her tightly from where she sat.

She smelled good. I kissed her forehead and played with the ends of her curls. 

It felt good to have her back. 

"Get off me Matthew! Who knows where your disgusting, filthy mouth has been?" She tried to push me off her but I didn't let go. 

She slapped me just like the last time and headed up the stairs, ignoring her plate of food. 

I was right on her heels, following her as she went to one of the spare rooms instead of our bedroom. 

"Vanessa, wait!" I called right as she walked into the room. "We should sleep in." 

"I have to get ready for work." She said bitterly and shut the door right in my face. 

I did nothing but stand there, waiting for her to come out so I could see her. 

She was actually here. 

My phone beeped. It was Jenna. 

I could see what she wanted later. Vanessa was my priority. She always has been. 

I went to knock on the door but a constant motor sound kept playing. What was that? 

The sound was muffled a bit and it wouldn't stop. 

Looking around I couldn't find the source. The sound was getting louder and louder. 

Covering my ears, I tried to see if Vanessa could hear it too. 

But the door wasn't there. 

Everything was dark. 

Then eventual light poured in my vision. 


I woke up on the couch. 

Getting up, I looked out the curtains to see the neighbor pushing his lawnmower. 

I let out a disappointed breath. It was all a dream. The sound of the neighbor's lawn mower woke me up. 

Vanessa really wasn't here. 

I now understand why she left. Staying would've drained the life out of her, it would have killed her. 

But it was time for her to come home. With enough patience, time, and love to repair us we could be made whole again. 

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