Skating Through Reseda

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"Just like the white winged dove sings a song, sounds like she's singing..."

If there's anything you've learned from your father, it's that music heals. It was his life mantra. He raised you on the best records, the sound of musical notes were like a symphony to your soul. It was your favorite piece of him, the only piece you had left.

Since you couldn't physically rant to him about your current problems, you decided that putting on your Walkman and rollerskating through Reseda and Encino would have to suffice. You hoped that the music notes would reach heaven and that you would feel his presence in the wind. After all, this was his hometown.

Just not yours.

You had no idea where you were skating to, but you continued onward. Rolling forward and backward, you were simply swaying to the beat of Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks. You let yourself dance without caring who watched. You even let your eyes flutter closed as you lost yourself in the music, releasing any anxiety you were feeling moments before.

For one fleeting moment, you felt free. Pulling down your Walkman, you took a moment to soak in the new environment. You heard the birds chirping, the rustle of the wind through the palm trees, and the distant voice of Stevie Nicks muffling out of the stereo wrapped around your neck. A smile tugged on your lips as you felt the wind blow through your hair. Maybe it won't be so bad here. I'll do this Dad. I'll do this for you.

That was when your fantasy shattered and you were brought back to reality. You heard your name echo off the surrounding buildings as your skates came out from underneath your body. Falling to the sidewalk, you looked to your left and found your mother smiling from the drivers seat of her cherry red Avanti Convertible.

"Hop on in kid! You're gonna get lost around these parts without my help!"

You rolled your eyes as you stood to your feet. Slowly skating up to the car, you processed what a mess you must have looked like in that moment and hoped nobody witnessed your wipeout. Climbing in, you began to untie your skates in silence, wishing for a little more time in a moment that felt like Dad.

"What's the matter sweetheart?" Your mother chuckled, "you got a pebble stuck where the sun doesn't shine?"

You let out an exasperated sigh, "sure mom."

"Oh come on kiddo, what's the problem?"

You crossed your arms, "this place is the problem."

She sighed, not knowing what to say. She began to pull away from the curb and back into traffic, leaving you both to sit in silence. The thick quiet was enough to send you over the edge. You examined the town from the car as the buildings faded in and out of sight. Perhaps listening to music was the only thing that convinced you this place would be worth while. When you listened to music, your father was there with you, taking on this adventure.

When the music was gone, so was he.

But in the static of the car radio, you found yourself despising this city as much as you imagined. California was the last place you wanted to be. It was too much of a tourist trap to call a home.

"Mom," you began to spew, "I don't understand why I couldn't stay with Aunt Yelena. I mean, why can't my uncle take over the record shop? He lives in Encino doesn't he? I just want to go home. Greece made me happy."

You could hear the smile falter in her voice when she spoke, "California can make you happy too."

The tears stung at your eyes as they attacked without warning. You shook them away and averted your attention out the window as she drove.

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