Attention or Detention

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Stopping at your locker before P.E. the next day, you grabbed your gym bag and placed your skates inside. You weren't sure what physical activity you would be forced against your will to participate in today, but you hoped it was a free period. That way, you could lace up your skates and take a few laps around the track.

After changing in the locker room, you swung your gym bag with your skates back over your shoulder before going off to find your friends. To your surprise, you found them stretching in the grass. You groaned as you remembered the P.E. schedule for the week read that the girls must start the gymnastics unit.

Guess there will be no skating around the track for you today.

They were chatting up a storm when you approached them. You dropped to the ground, joining them, and began to do a straddle stretch.

"Oh there you are!" Ali addressed you, "The girls and I were just planning on going to Golf N' Stuff tonight if you want to come along!"

Ali was very chipper today, which made you grateful that she still had no idea Johnny was sitting outside of her house for hours two nights ago. Certainly they would have gone at it by now if she knew.

But instead, Johnny and the 'Cobras' as Susan called them, were standing on the other side of the soccer field.

You thought on her request. "Golf N' Stuff?"

"My goodness," Susan's jaw dropped, "this girl really does know nothing."

Ali brushed off Susan's remark, "it's this really cool place with everything you can think of. There's mini golf, an arcade, go-karts, roller skating, you name it."

She had you at skating. "I'm so in."

You were about to stand from your stretching position on the ground when a soccer ball flew through the air and hit you directly in the side of the head. Hard.


The sound of giggling made you roll your eyes. Standing a few feet away were the cobras, laughing and clapping Johnny on the shoulder. Tommy waved to you.

You hesitantly waved back. If anything, making friends with your enemy's minions right in front of him could give you some leverage.

And indeed it did. You couldn't help but notice the pang of jealousy written in Johnny's scowl when you acknowledged Tommy. Dutch caught your smirk and laughed, pointing a finger in Johnny's face, which he then slapped away.

Without a word, Johnny gestured for the soccer ball he had just kicked at you, nodding his head toward it and outstretching his arms.

Did he really think he was going to get off that easy?

Another thing you learned from your father: how to kick a soccer ball like a professional. He told you to always envision a target, build up your momentum, then release.

So you didn't feel bad when you launched the soccer ball directly at Johnny's face.

It hit him square in the nose. His friends shouted as he brought his hand up to his face in shock. You knew what you were capable of, but even you were surprised when Johnny pulled his hand away, revealing blood.

"Chicks' got no mercy, man." Dutch laughed.

The girls gasped, their jaws agape at the sight. The remaining cobras continued to shout playfully, catching the attention of the P.E. teacher.

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