Final Moments & Fatal Mistakes

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You awoke the next morning with the feeling of dread twisted in your gut.

You wished you could have hid away in your room all day. There was nothing more that you wanted then to just stay away from everyone you loved. Knowing that you wouldn't remember this moment, this feeling, made everything hurt so much worse.

Slowly, you swung your legs over the side of your bed and stood to your feet. As you walked past your mirror, the sunshine peaking through the blinds cascaded down upon your features.

You are brave. You are strong. You are doing this for the people you love.

There was a reason you had to remind yourself of this. Because sometimes, you didn't believe it.

Your trudged to your door, pulling it open with a creak. In the distance, you heard muffled cries. Sneaking down the hallway, you peeked your head around the corner. There, sitting with her hands to her eyes at the kitchen table, was your mother.

You took another cautious step forward, the floor creaking beneath you gave away your silent approach. She snapped her face upward and away from her hands. As soon as she saw you, she shut her eyes tight, the stray tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I thought you were still sleeping." She sighed.

"No." You squeaked out.

She nodded her head, swallowing a lump in her throat and sniffling. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."

You shook your head wearily. "It's alright. I understand."

"It's just," she looked toward her hand, fidgeting with her wedding ring. "I always dreamed of running that record shop with your father. It's where we met. I never in a million years, imagined that he..."

She let out another tearful cough and you rushed to her side. You quickly pulled up a chair and rubbed her back. She reached forward grabbing a tissue from the box she had brought out to the kitchen with her.

"I just wish we could save your grandpa's shop." She whispered, "but he would've been proud to know you played a part in keeping it alive."

"But I'm also the one who willingly handed it over to Sid."

"You didn't hand it to him." She looked to you with proud eyes, "you challenged him. And even though it didn't go as planned, I'm still proud of you for standing up to him."

"Thanks, mom. I really appreciate it after the week I've had."

"I know sweetheart." She pulled you into a side hug, kissing the crown of your head.

Your moment was interrupted by the sound of knocking at your door. Your mother pulled away from you, looking toward the noise with confusion. "I wasn't expecting any company, were you?"

You shrugged, shaking your head.

She got up from her seat, wiping under her eyes as she went. When she pulled open the knob, you were greeted with Doc and Marty standing on the other side.

"Hey..." you gulped, trying to remain cool, "we weren't expecting you."

"Well you should've been!" Doc chimed in urgently.

"Honey," your mother said with a hint of caution in her voice, not peeling her eyes from the two strange men before her, "what's going on?"

You gulped. "School project."

"No offense," your mother looked at Doc, "but aren't you a little too old to be in high school?"

Doc smiled sheepishly. "Held back multiple times, madam."

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