The Eve Of Disaster

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There are twenty four hours in a day. Yet for some reason, they seemed to drag on and on. You had practically two more days until the tournament. One more full day, and three quarters of another. In a way, you were sugar coating how close the tournament actually was, trying your hardest to make it seem farther away. But the truth of it all, was that the All Valley took place tomorrow evening.

Which meant you had until then to exist in this timeline.

A positive to your mood was that it was Daniel's birthday.

In your spare time over the past few months, you accumulated information on Daniel's wants and needs. You had to make sure that by the time his birthday rolled around, you had the perfect gift for him.

You sat at your dining room table, wrapping up his present. Your mother hovered over your shoulder as you tied the bow.

"He's going to love it!"

"Thanks, ma."

She squeezed your shoulders and reached around to kiss your cheek. The gesture made you feel safe and comfortable. And despite the approaching terror of Sid finalizing the purchase on the record shop, your mother seemed to be in good spirits. You knew that she was just masking the pain, but you appreciated her effort to be positive around you.

She knew that you also had your own turmoil to deal with. The two of you combined had been through so much as of late, and it hurt your heart. But you held each other together like glue.

You had assumed that one upside to erasing the timeline, was that none of this would have happened.

As nightfall approached, you borrowed your mother's car and drove to Mr. Miyagi's. You didn't want to skate with Daniel's perfectly wrapped gift in your hands.

As soon as you buckled up, you found yourself looking toward your grandfather's initials sadly. "I'm so sorry gramps," you frowned, "I wish I could save your legacy."

With an exasperated sigh, you put the car into reverse and pulled out from the apartment parking lot.

You had planned on meeting at Mr. Miyagi's to throw a small party for Daniel. As far as you knew, it was only going to be the three of you.
Mr. Miyagi waltzed slowly into the room, bestowing a cake in front of Daniel. You followed closely behind, singing the usual tune along with him.

"Happy birthday to you!"

Daniel, happily wearing a birthday hat, blew on his party horn.

"Happy birthday to you!"

Another honk.

"Happy birthday dear Daniel-San!"

He blew it twice more.

"Happy birthday to you!"

As Mr. Miyagi set the cake down on the table carefully, Daniel blew on the horn extra loud, holding out the note. Mr. Miyagi let out a chuckle and you couldn't help but join in.

"Make wish!" Mr. Miyagi insisted.

"Oh wow," Daniel said, smiling wide, "I know what I'm wishing for."

You smiled at him softly, wondering what his wish was. As he leaned over the table, he released a deep breath. The cake went dark as the candles reduced to smoke.

"Ah, very good! Very good!" Mr. Miyagi cheered and clapped. You joined in, letting out a woo!

Mr. Miyagi pointed to you, and you nodded subtly. Reaching under the table, you grabbed your present. You handed it to a smiling Daniel, who looked at your hands in shock.

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