Loving Is A Losing Game

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The sun hadn't even peeked over the horizon the next morning before you laced up your skates and made your way through town slowly. You took it all in, soaking in the moment.

You felt completely numb, the urge to give up weighing heavily upon you. There were countless times where you found yourself giving in to that temptation.

You had lost everything. The record shop, most of your friends... Johnny. It pained you to know that they took Kreese's side when all was said and done. But you didn't necessarily blame them either.

The next few mornings, you repeated this same routine. Woke before sunrise, skated until California awoke, and immediately went back into a world of isolation. When the school days rolled by, you did not speak a word to Johnny. Although you caught glimpses of secret stares, neither one of you had the urge to fix things. It was almost as if he knew time was running out. Whenever you looked at him, he quickly looked away. The fellow cobras let their stares linger longer, the pain evident in their eyes no matter the distance.

But as much as you felt as though you hit rock bottom, you didn't want things to end this way. You constantly found yourself losing control of your thoughts, telling yourself that it was no use. What was the point of making amends if neither one of you would remember this moment in the first place?

But somewhere deep in your heart, you held yourself accountable to that promise. You wanted to get right with him, no matter the outcome.

In three days time, the All Valley tournament would finally take place. You would go back with Doc and Marty, setting things right.

The school bell rang, signaling the dismissal of students from every class. Some students ran from the premises, fleeing the place that they considered a trap. Others walked leisurely, soaking in the memories with their friends who they could possibly have forever. Ahead of you, the Cobras marched away with the leaving crowd. Hesitantly, with a pounding heartbeat, you followed.

Judging the looks the other Cobras had given you, it was clear that Johnny was the only one who needed your convincing. They all felt your sympathy, and although Johnny did too, he was more blind to it.

Before you could stop yourself, you shouted across the courtyard.


Instant regret filled your veins as he turned around to look at you. In his eyes, you saw pure conflict.

You took a bold step forward, pushing aside your current fears. "I need to talk to you."

As you continued to step closer, closing the distance, you watched as he shrugged and mumbled beneath his breath. "Then talk."

Your eyes fluttered around the cobras wearily. "Alone."

"Name a time and place." He deadpanned.

Your voice escaped more sternly then anticipated. "Now. Here."

The cobras didn't even have it in them to let out a few silly hollers like they normally had in the past. Instead, they all looked toward each other before getting a look from Johnny, giving them permission to step away. They shuffled toward the sidewalk slowly, leaving you and Johnny standing beneath the tree.

He took a moment to look you over, shrugging sadly. "Go ahead." He mumbled.

You took a deep breath and immediately dove in. "Look, I know you don't want to talk to me right now. And in all honesty, you have every right to be upset with me. I don't blame you for being mad because I shouldn't have kept that a secret from you. But you have to understand my side of it as well... I didn't always know that he was my uncle. When I found out the truth, he threatened us both. I wanted to keep you safe and I'm sorry that it had to turn out the way it did."

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