Welcome To The Jungle

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You didn't even retaliate against your friends as they practically grabbed you and ran toward the entrance of the arcade. Susan even wrapped your arm over her shoulders so you wouldn't be able to resist facing the other cobras in your current state.

Your anger numbed the pain, but your heart was conflicted. You were currently the center of attention, but you didn't want any part in this at all.

Four cobras stood near the skating rink, talking normally as you all approached. When they caught sight of the blood dripping down your right arm, their happy expressions faded away.

"Are you alright?"

"You're bleeding!"

"What happened?"

Susan spit fiery words. "Your friend is what happened."

The boys exchanged looks.

"Johnny?" Bobby stepped forward, his words reeked of shock and confusion.

"Who else do you think would've done something like this?" Barbara snapped. Her tone caught you off guard, in fact you weren't sure if you've ever heard Barbara raise her voice like that before.

"Where is he?" Tommy asked urgently.

You looked to the floor. "Gone."

With your eyes lowered, you found yourself having a sudden advantage. There sitting on the floor by the boys, was a pile of bags, five to be exact. The same bags they carried in and out of karate practice every day.

Johnny had left his bag.

Bobby spotted it the same time you did. He reached down to grab it, holding it up for all of us to see.

"He left his bag here."

"So what?" Daniel snapped.

Tommy looked to Bobby for answers, "Do you think he's gonna come back?"

"He would be smart not to." Susan hissed.

Dutch yanked the bag from Bobby's hands and began sorting through it. "Yeah," the concentration in his voice was thick, "all of his personal items are in here. He wouldn't go home without this."

The boys all seemed to have a collective understanding of what Dutch meant by that. The rest of you stood there in confusion. But if one thing was certain, you had leverage now.

Another sharp jolt of pain shot up your arm. Instead of hiding the affliction, you went with it.


You winced in pain, acting as though your knees were buckling. Slowly but surely, you began sinking to the ground. You felt like you deserved an award for this performance.

"Let her sit!" Ali commanded.

Susan unraveled your arm from her shoulder and carefully helped you down to the ground. The boys reached forward to help, but Daniel extended a hand as a warning not to touch you.

"Are you alright?" You heard Jimmy's quiet voice from the back.

You squeaked out a pathetic, "I'm fine."

Just as you had hoped, Susan began arguing with the cobras. When Dutch retaliated, she didn't hesitate to lunge at him. The two groups above you began shouting at each other, trying to tear the two of them apart.

Meanwhile, the eyes were off of you. Perfect.

You made sure the coast was clear before carefully grabbing Johnny's bag, unzipping it quietly. There were only a few items inside, none of which you considered to be important.

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