No Mercy

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Ali walked into the record shop later that day, examining the surroundings.

Her smile was otherworldly as she walked around and filtered through the bins. When you walked up to her side, you snapped her out of the daze she was in and she looked up to you.

"There you are! I was just looking for you. Well... your mom, actually."

"My mom?"

"Yeah," Ali smiled, "I was wondering if she could clear your work schedule for Friday."

You closed your eyes and exhaled. The chances of her letting you go free on your birthday were slim. Especially since you had arrived late today. You didn't tell her of course, that the reason you were late was because you went to tell Johnny you...

Like him very much... a lot.

It made you physically cringe, but you couldn't actually say the word.

Before you were left to fight with your inner thoughts, your mother came out from behind the counter. Ali addressed her with a smile.

"Can I help you with anything?" Your mother asked.

"Actually..." she looked between you and your ma, "I was wondering if your daughter was free Friday night."

Your mom looked into your eyes and smiled. "Of course she is. It's her birthday! Have something planned?"

"Oh yeah," she laughed, "something big."

Your eyes widened at her statement. What was she up to?

"Well, I hate to browse and run," Ali said, "but I have to... go somewhere." She winked at you, "I'll see you in school tomorrow."

She didn't say another word as she practically skipped out the door.

"That was odd." Your mother said from behind you.

"Yeah... yeah it was."
The next day at school left you on edge.

Ali had started to tell people that your birthday was coming up. You didn't understand why, but you disliked it. All of the attention drawn to you was not exactly your favorite thing.

"What do you mean you don't want anything for your birthday?" Tommy pestered.

"Maybe we should get the princess a tiara." Dutch suggested.

"I'm not a princess." You laughed.

"Speaking of princess," Bobby laughed, "where's Johnny? He's barely shown up to school lately."

"Yeah..." Dutch looked to you solemnly, "ever since the accident, we've only really seen him at practice."

"You don't think Sensei is making him practice even more do you?" Tommy asked.

"It's possible." Bobby sighed.

"I think he really has been staying over at his place." Jimmy spoke up, "he's definitely not home. Not after what happened."

Chills ran down your spine. The last image you had of Johnny and his step dad, was Johnny beating him senseless in their driveway. If what you saw of Sid already was considered angry, you didn't possibly want to see what happened once you left.

A part of you grew fearful, another growing strong.

Johnny may have been with Sensei Kreese, but he was your uncle. You had so much pent up anger inside of you toward this man, that you wanted to release it. And soon.

Now was the time.
You skated all the way to the Cobra Kai dojo without an ounce of regret.

Skipping the second half of school was low for you. There was no telling how much trouble you could get in, but you didn't care. Your uncle had failed you. When it came to being in your life, you understood why he was never allowed too close. The moment he contacted your mother all those months ago, about wanting to meet you, it was difficult to let him in. Especially when he failed to show up on countless occasions. You understood now where his priorities rested.

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