New day 3

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Y/N POV:  "Kiibo! I was wondering...If you fell off a boat and sank to the bottom...would you be stuck living under the sea, beneath a rock, or in a pineapple!?" Tenko yelled, pointing her finger at the robot. "What...?" Kiibo sweat dropped. "N-No, before you sink too deep your body would get crushed due to the pressure." I said. "Please don't say such scary things, both of you! Or I'll never set foot in a boat!" Kiibo yelled. I turned my head to take a look around the room, on the wall, close to the pool, there was a list of pool rules. One of the rules that I found rather odd was that swimming was prohibited during nighttime. 

"Rise and shine ursine-!" The Monokubs yelled. 

"That's right. No ones allowed to swim during nighttime." Monosuke said. "It'd be terrible if someone died due to an unfortunate nighttime swimming accident." Monophanie said. "We need youse to die in the killing game!" Monosuke yelled. "You can visit the pool at nighttime, but even touching the water is against the rules. Oh...I guess I'll add it to the existing regulations, just in case." Monotaro said. Just as he said that I felt my pocket vibrate, indicating that my Monopad was most likely updated. "Ah, anyway, why is the pool's water level so low? It's barely enough to swim-" "What the hell are you sayin'!? Ya got gapin' holes instead of eyes or somethin-!?" Monosuke yelled, interrupting Shuichi. 

"There's enough water to swim. It only looks shallow because the pool is so deep." Monophanie said. "And someone would be more likely to drown if we filled it up all the way." Monotaro said. "So that's that!" Monosuke yelled. "...WONDERFUL-EXPLANATION-EVERYONE." Monodam praised. "...What? really? Oh I'm so happy to hear you say that." Monophanie said. "Did you forget that he killed Monokid! You should hate his guts!" Monosuke yelled. "Screw Monokid! I always hated him!" Monophanie yelled. "He was violent, vulgar, rude to shop clerks, and had a soft spot for abandoned kitties!" Monotaro yelled. "Why'd that sound like praise near the end?" Monosuke sweat dropped.

"So long! Bear-well!" The Monokubs yelled in unison.

I took a closer look at the pool. The pool looked about to be 82 feet in length and about 39 feet wide. The poolside is 13 feet on each end, and the left and right sides are 8 feet each... It's just my estimation. I looked up to the poolside window, it kind of looked like the one that was in the gym. I guess that indicates that the gym and pool areas are connected. "It's pretty standard for a school to have the gym and pool area near each other. But I think the pool can be moved to a much larger area! There's plenty of land in the courtyard! What about there!?" Tenko yelled. "I...don't know?" Shuichi sweat dropped. I lifted my head a little more to face the school building window. It is rather odd to have a window there, perhaps it's one of the schools buildings? All of the windows so far have been sealed off, what room does it belong to...? "Grrrrr! Anyone could peep through that window!" Tenko said with gritted teeth. "P-Peep...who would do that?" I asked even though in the back of my mind I could probably already guess the answer. "I heard that degenerate males get more turned on by girls in swimsuits than by girls who are naked! And that they go bonkers over the bloomers we wear over our panties that we wear over our privates! What are girls supposed to do against the filthy desires of degenerate males!?" Tenko yelled, sweat dropping. 

I guess it all depends on the guy's self-control and every guy here including myself has enough self-control to not do something as scummy as that, I'm sure. But I guess Tenko would say something to argue with that, too. But don't girls do the same thing...? Miu most definitely would. "Ah, I think you may be...overreacting a little..." Shuichi mumbled. "Oh, Kiibo! Are you a degenerate male or a girl!? Which is it!?" Tenko yelled. "Good question... I've honestly never thought about it before." Kiibo said. "Really? How interesting..." Shuichi said. 

With seemingly nothing else to investigate I left the pool area with Shuichi. As soon as we exited the building a rather cheery voice greeted us. "Yahoo! Found you, Shuichi and Y/N! I didn't know you were here! I've been lookin' for you everywhere!" Angie yelled whilst waving her arm in the air. "Ah, Angie! Did you find out anything about the flashlight?" Shuichi asked. "Yep, I finally figured it out. It seems like Atua wants us to gather in the gym for an explanation. You don't have time to relax now. Bye-onara!" Angie yelled, running away. Without a moment to catch our breath Shuichi and I began to make our way towards the gym. Opening the gym doors, everyone else was already there. "Everyone! Gather 'round! We all here? Good! Then let's bow our heads and pray to Atua." Angie said. "You're a real pain in the ass, ya know that!? Just tell us what you fuckin' want!" Miu yelled and Angie. "Alrighty then, check this out." Angie said, pulling out the flashlight for everyone to see. "That is a peculiar-looking flashlight... So, what of it?" Kiibo asked. 'Umm, I dunno what it is either. I inspected it pretty good... Nyahahaha, but in the end, I couldn't figure it out." Angie said, smiling. "You couldn't?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "So I asked someone for help." Angie finished. "...You don't mean-" Shuichi sweat dropped, only to be interrupted by Monokuma himself. "If somethin' has you worried, just let Monokuma take care of it! If you don't know something, I'll tell you. If you need help, I'll help you. If you don't like something, I'll fix it. So don't get rid of it... Please don't get rid" Monokuma mumbled a little at the end, his head looking down sadly. "Very bad when lady who acts like that preys on you." Gonta sweat dropped. 

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