Trial two 2

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Y/N POV: Everyone began yelling over the top of each other about alibis,  though after a little while my felt my eyes widen at something that was yelled, because everyone was yelling over the top of each other I couldn't make it out well. "Are you sure you did not stay at the gym?" Kiibo questioned. "No, I think Kirumi is telling the truth. Kokichi's story proves it." Shuichi said for me. 

"Right when I got to the entrance hall, Kirumi spotted me. That was right after I left Gonta's it was right around 9 p.m. She started throwing questions at me left and right, asking me if I was up to no good. She just kept talking...then finally let me go at 10:00 p.m., when nighttime rolled around." Kokichi said, looking down at the ground sadly. "A...whole hour?" Shuichi questioned. "Well, only the first half was a lecture, then we played tag for the other half." Kokichi admitted. 

"Kokichi met Kirumi at 9.m., and they were together until nighttime." Shuichi explained. "Gonta went to the gym to catch Himiko and Angie five minutes before 9 o'clock. After I left Gonta's lab, I ran into Kirumi. I'm pretty sure Kirumi stayed at the gym five minutes till 9 o'clock." Kokichi admitted. "This information could have been told to us beforehand." Kirumi pointed out. "Sorry! Forgot! I definitely didn't keep it a secret to make the trial more interesting!" Kokichi yelled. "Forgot...? It seems far more plausible that you were telling another lie." Kiibo said. "Unlike robots, we meatbags can't pull out our memories from our hard drive." Kokichi argued. "Was that supposed to offend me? Your irrationally fills me with pity..." Kiibo shot back. "If I am the culprit, that would mean I killed Ryoma within five minutes...transformed him to the gym, and hid him in the piranha tank. This seems highly unlikely." Kirumi explained. "If you called Ryoma out to the gym and killed him there, you wouldn't need to move him. All you would have to do is hide him in the piranha tank." Maki pointed out. "Gonta was in the midst of heading to the gym to capture Angie. Are you claiming I took advantage of that, and called Ryoma for a rendezous in the gym?" Kirumi questioned. 

"Umm...that'd be pretty difficult. We should probably look at other possibilities." Tsumugi said. "Maybe someone snuck into the gym while Kirumi and I were busy talking." Kokichi said. "The only ones capable of that are the other three with no alibis." Kiyo trailed on. "Miu, Kaito and Maki!" Tenko yelled. "Gahhhhh! You're including me, too!?" Miu yelled, sweat dropping. "But there's actually one person we can rule out of the suspect list. Kokichi admitted. "Right? There's one person who's totally not suspicious! Say who it is already!" Kaito yelled. "Y-You're talking about...Miu, right?" I questioned. "Whaaa-!? Miu!?" Kaito yelled in disbelief. "Yeah, you can take her off the list. She actually has an alibi." Kokichi sighed. "Booya! Suck it, nerds!" Miu yelled in victory. "Wait a sec! Since when did she have an alibi!?" Kaito yelled. "I-If you, um. Compare everyone's statements, it's pretty clear." I said.

"Oh, yeah... I did see something odd while Kirumi was lecturing me." Kokichi admitted. "...Something odd?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "I saw a half-naked girl, wandering around the courtyard in her underwear. It was too dark for me to make out who it was, but I saw her walk around for a bit." Kokichi admitted.

"...A girl walking around half-naked?" Maki sweat dropped. "Who else could it be but the horny exhibitionist, Miu?" Kokichi questioned. "W-We can't just jump to conclusions like that... He just saw a shadow, right? That could've been anyone walking around in women's underwear! Even me!" Kaito yelled, sweat dropping. "That'd be a whole different issue..." Tsumugi said. "No, it's Miu. Without a doubt... Miu and Gonta's statements prove it." Shuichi said.

"Oh, Gonta see Miu, but...Gonta's face get red-hot. So...Gonta no could bring her..." Gonta said. "Your face got hot? You mean you were hot on her trail, right?" Kokichi questioned. "No, um, she use her...What she call it? 'Secret Woman Weapon'? And then-" Gonta said, his face looking ashamed. "Hm? O-Oh...u-uh...well... I, uh...I had to secret woman weapon... A-And let's just leave it at that..." Miu stammered out. 

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