Investigation before death 1

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Y/N POV: I sighed as I took out the Monokuma File and began to read. 

The victim is the Ultimate Inventor, Miu Iruma. The body was discovered in the computer room on the 4th floor. Approximate time of death is 6:30 a.m. There is a lethal knife wound at the back of her head. 

It struck me as odd that the Monokuma File never said that the knife wound was the final blow however apart from that all of it adds up, that's exactly what happened. "The time of death happened 30 minutes before now...while we were still in the Virtual World." Kokichi said. "Kokichi. What do you mean?" Shuichi asked the Supreme Leader. "You don't have to be so wary of me. It's not like I'm gonna get in your way, Shuichi. It's just...I hate lies so much that I tend to suspect others a lot. Kaito said that he wouldn't team up with you for this case, but I can't trust those words. That's why I'm keeping an eye out, just in case he tries to bother you." Kokichi admitted. "'Keeping an eye out'?" Shuichi sweat dropped, he obviously didn't like that idea. "Don't take that the wrong way, though. I'm not trying to replace Kaito or even Y/N for that matter as your partner, okay? But I'll help as much as I can. So, where are you gonna investigate now?" Kokichi asked Shuichi. "U-Uhm...Shuichi and I already a-agreed to investigate together." I told Kokichi sourly, I refuse to work with someone like him, someone who...has a smile like that. "And? I don't know Y/N but last time I checked you should stick to your place as 'accomplice' and help the actually important people, in this case the investigators." Kokichi argued. "...S-So, I'll just be helping Shuichi and the others then, y-yeah?" I shot back. 

Kokichi and I's bickering came to a halt as Shuichi walked up to Miu's dead body with Kokichi pushing past me to follow him. "Ewww, what a gross face, she looks like she didn't suffer one bit. Nee-heehee, what a shame, a more vulgar death would've suited a vulgar bitch like her." Kokichi chuckled which made me get already quite angry at Kokichi. "Stop, Kokichi. Even if you're joking, that's too far." Shuichi pointed out. "You're right! You should never speak ill of the dead, no matter how much you hated them! Even if she was a despised, pathetic, dirty cum toilet of a pers-" Without much hesitance or sympathy I lifted my hand and firmly hit Kokichi at the back of the head. "Ah!" Kokichi yelped in surprise. "I-I apologize for hitting you, however... M-Mind your words! M-Must I punch you again to make you remember it?" I asked Kokichi with a rather harsh glare, I admit. "No sir." Kokichi mumbled however deep down I knew that he was most likely going to say something insensitive again even knowing the consequences. Though was he really not given the simplest form of punishment in his earlier years? Like a simple slap with a ruler or smaller portions for dinner? I guess I'll just have to show him the consequences of his own actions, if he wants to make fun of Miu's dead body then so be it. 

"But...what's Miu's cause of death? It doesn't say in the Monokuma File..." Kokichi pointed out. "Um... May I? I wanted to let you know just in case it turns out to be a clue... Um... I was the first one to log out and find Miu's body. She was still wearing the helmet and a weird cloth tied around her head and her body was in the same position we're seeing. Maki logged out after I did, and she helped me take Miu's helmet off. And then...she was gone." Kiibo explained. "Was that a confession?" Kokichi asked the robot. "How is that a confession!?" Kiibo yelled at Kokichi. So...if Miu has a weird stained cloth tied around her head and my coat had a sleeve torn then I probably stained it with the poison so the others wouldn't know that it was mine, then I ran to the dormitories to grab a spare coat and ran back to my Ultimate lab, I don't think it would've been a difficult task, however, would I have really been able to think that quickly? But...knowing me I was probably panicking and scared the others would find me so I just did whatever came to mind, that to me sounds like a reasonable explanation. 

I examined some of the helmets to which some had their cords plugged in, the others have them removed... I looked at the helmets conditions in a row from where everyone was sitting. Kiibo...Tsumugi's...Himiko and Gonta's. I saw that Himiko's and Kiibo's were still plugged in and I examined the way that they were done, once I had memorized the correct order that the cords were plugged into I took a quick look at Gonta's and saw that his was also plugged, huh? I took a closer look at Himiko's and Kiibo's cords and looked and Gonta's again to make sure that my eyes weren't messing with me. What the...? I put my hand on my mouth and looked the other way in shock...the cords...don't look quite right. Before I walked into the room I saw that Miu was choking on seemingly nothing, it's obvious that someone was choking her in the Virtual World...if what I'm thinking is correct, the cords don't have anything to do with it, Gonta would never do something so foolish. However the more I thought about it the more unsure I got about everything, what if I never stabbed Miu in time? What if...Miu had died by choking? She looked like she was barely clinging to life when I stabbed her, almost as if she was already dead... This isn't good, we're at odd numbers so we can't just vote equally just in case that could potentially reveal the culprit. I sweat dropped as I grew more nervous, the same feeling I got during the investigation of Kiyo's trial is settling itself back in, however these circumstances are different, I may be too much of a coward to say anything directly, however I can point the murder to me without admitting anything, Shuichi is smart...if anyone is going to uncover this murder then...I want it to be Shuichi, we're friends after all...we both promised to be friends forever.

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