The unthinkable

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Y/N POV: Being outside of the computer room I guess I should just spend my last...hour? With some dignity. I should do some things that I would've liked to do in a normal day, I guess I could go to Miu's lab to pick up the box although I really wouldn't prefer it. If I did I guess I could just stuff it in my closet and then place my letter in the dining hall, they'll be sure to find it then. I sighed as I quickly made my way to Miu's lab and with a little bit of searching I found it. I accidentally took a sneak peek at the contents and with little effort I picked up the box and walked to my dorm room, after hiding it at the back of my closet with my clothes I gently held the letter in my hand and brought it to the dining hall, leaving it at the table. Maybe...I should eat something before I die, I've always heard of people having their last meals before they serve their death sentences so I guess it would be fitting for me too, after all...I did assist in the murders and it would only make sense. Though I guess I really shouldn't spoil myself too much before I go. I picked up an apple and after washing it I took out a chopping board and a knife and began cutting it, I remember my sister used to always bring me an apple served exactly the same as this when I would work in my room alone, I always got lonely by myself when I would work myself to death every day so she would bring me something sweet to give me more motivation to continue working, she never got a say in how long I would work, father did. 

I found myself looking at the kitchen knife in my hands for a moment before I snapped back to reality and began to wash the chopping board and knife. alternative should be placed just in case I am unable to drink the poison for whatever reason, I can never be too sure. Maki should have knives in her Ultimate lab for sure, the good thing is that she shouldn't be suspected because she's in the Virtual World, she'll be safe from suspicion, and plus she'll just say that 'Anyone could've gotten in my lab' just like she did for Kiyo's trial. Heh...K-Kiyo's trial. I sat down in the dining hall all by myself, no one to keep me company and no one to talk to, just like it should've been from the start...however I guess those days with Kiyo were nice. I ate the single sliced apple right next to my letter as I looked at my surroundings. I remember how crowded the dining hall used to be and how I would complain about there being too many people and how bothersome it was...y'know? When everyone was alive and talking about escaping together and staying friends. Can you believe it? I complained about how everyone was too optimistic. I think I would kill to see everyone optimistic like that again, we're still kids after all. When I tried to grab another apple slice I came to realize that I ate it all. That quickly? Oh well, I guess this wasn't so bad as a last meal... I took one last look at the letter and one last look at the dining hall before I turned my back to it and left. 

The next stop should be Maki's lab. Walking to Maki's lab memories of everything came back and how I took it all for granted, the lives of everyone at the Ultimate Academy will not be forgotten, even mine, although I can't say that the memories of me will be at all pleasant to remember. I opened the door to Maki's lab and quickly took observation on the different sizes of knives. I don't need anything too heavy or flashy, I just need something long and sharp. My eyes caught onto a certain knife, the knifes blade was long enough to hit all the vital points in the neck and thin enough to not cause any messy cuts thus causing a big mess, I don't want to sicken anyone with my bloody corpse bleeding everywhere, that'll make things harder for them. I don't...want to make them annoyed by the pitiful sight of my dead body. I sighed to myself as I took the knife off the rack and carefully put it in my pocket. What could I do now? To my knowledge, I have done most of the things that I had to do or at least wanted to do before my death. I widened my eyes a little in realization, Kiyo's Ultimate lab...I need to clean it, it's not like I have anything else better to do, and cleaning it has been on my mind for a while now, I should see to it that it's done however I must be quick about it. 

I quickly made my way to Kirumi's Ultimate lab and picked up the supplies necessary which included a bucket of water and some light furniture polish and a few other things and ran all the way up the stairs to Kiyo's lab. "I-I'm back, Kiyo. S-Sorry it took me a while." I apologized to my surroundings as I began to make quick work out of everything, dusting off the artifacts and making sure everything was exactly how he would've wanted it to be. Although once I had made sure everything was spotless and making sure that I had touched every nook and cranny I had been getting a little bothered about the fact that I had never succeeded in finding the Caged Child seance, although there isn't much that I can do is how I have a very limited time alive and cannot risk missing the chance to take it. I got up after triple checking that I had at least briefly cleaned everything before taking all of the equipment back to Kirumi's lab. I think all together it had taken me an hour or two to completely take care of everything

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