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A/N: So, I kinda maybe messed up the timeline of the events, to be more specific I kinda skipped an entire day, I actually have no idea how I was able to mess that up but oh well. Don't mind me as I try to write over the top of my mistake.

Y/N POV: I stood in my dormitories mindlessly for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion that I should probably try to spend my time alive wisely. I walked to my Ultimate lab with not much in thought, simply thinking about Kokichi's plan is already too much for me to handle at the moment. Once I do some cleaning and organizing maybe then I'll go try to seek Miu. Once I had walked into my Ultimate lab I grabbed a stack of books and walked over to the bookshelves. However, before I had placed a book down I looked down at it. It's been a while since I worked on my overall balance, I guess I never thought about it. I may be close to death's door but I would still like to live my life without any regrets, perhaps I should try to work on my physical health a little before I die, if I'm going to call myself a man then I must die without a heavy heart. I picked up certain books with certain lengths but quickly realized that I had one more thing to worry about. Whenever I would do this, my sister would be the one to increase to intensity of the weights of the books, who am I going to ask to do that? I guess 10 books could be the upper limit. I carefully placed 5 books on top of my head and grabbed the other 5 books and placed my index finger in the middle, carefully making sure none fell, after some time I will increase the intensity by moving in different positions, thus making balancing the books more difficult. Usually, I would have about 10 books on top of my head as I tried to lean my body as I lifted up my leg to hold more books on my foot, though even that much is easy enough if you get the hang of it. This is the only time I feel as if I'm in complete control of my surroundings and mind, my father had forced me to do this daily for hours on end, the only difference is that if any of the books fell...he would permanently get rid of them. 

My heavy concentration was almost broken as I heard the door to my Ultimate lab open with Shuichi standing in the doorway. "U-Uh...Y/N?" Shuichi mumbled in confusion as he looked at me as I looked back at him with a slightly shocked expression with books on the top of my head. "O-Oh...hello." I sweat dropped. "What are you doing?" Shuichi asked me as he took a few steps closer to me. "...B-Balance practice?" I answered him, to be honest, I never thought about a name to call this. "S-Since you're here Shuichi, will you h-help me with something?" I asked the detective. "Sure thing." Shuichi said with a small smile. "C-Can you place more books on the top of my head?" I said. "Ah, but...wouldn't that hurt?" Shuichi questioned. "N-No not at all, not unless you get used to it." I answered him. "Is there a specific number you want?" Shuichi asked. "...I think 4 is reasonable, a-ah just pick up three of the short stories and one novel." I instructed Shuichi as he picked up what I had asked him and carefully placed them on top my head. "I'm kinda surprised you're this balanced, you always seemed rather jumpy most of the time." Shuichi pointed out. "Th-This skill didn't come to me naturally, I had to build it up." I admitted as I leaned forward and lifted up my leg and straightened my foot firmly. "M-Mind if you add a few more, Sh-Shuichi?" I requested of him as he obliged. "Doesn't it hurt at least a little to strain your body like this? Someone would have to be very mentally strict with themselves to make this a habit." Shuichi said. "I-I guess so...would you like to give it a try?" I asked Shuichi as I crouched down on one leg to put down the books that were on top of my index finger and with my free hands, put down the book on top of my head and simply lowered my foot to the floor and shook the books off, and stood up, facing Shuichi. 

"Uhm, I'm not really what you would call a balanced person." Shuichi pointed out. "...U-Unless you have the head of a rotten fruit, I doubt the books will crush your head if that's what y-you're worried about." I told the detective. "That isn't the problem." Shuichi said. "...Please?" I mumbled. "I really don't think I would be that good at it, I'll probably just end up embarrassing myself." Shuichi sweat dropped. "...E-Even so, I'm the last person to make fun of you. There's n-no one else here so you can m-mess up all you want." I pointed it out to Shuichi. " seems a little too troublesome." Shuichi said. "Y-You don't have to work out only at nighttime, I-I think this could be good practice for you, who knows? M-Maybe you'll finally be able to show Kaito that you can do push-ups without tiring out so easily." I said even though I knew full well that I was teasing Shuichi by saying that. "I guess...there couldn't be any harm in trying it." Shuichi said. I grew relieved that I was finally able to try this out with someone close to me. "Just make sure that you don't put too much weight on my head." Shuichi said as I nodded. "I-I'm going to start us off with a 202 paged book, it should be simple enough." I told Shuichi as I placed it on his head. I watched as Shuichi tried to stay as still as possible however the book had been tilted too much to the side and had fell, I caught it in my hand swiftly before it could hit the ground. "I guess I knew that I wouldn't be able to be as good as you are." Shuichi sweat dropped. "No, you're too shaky, you must be focusing so much on balancing the book that you completely forgot what you had to do." I said. "W-Well, what am I supposed to do?" Shuichi questioned. "You must relax yourself, keep in mind that I will not hurt you if you fail, everyone starts somewhere." I reminded Shuichi as I placed the book on his head again. 

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