New day 4

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Y/N POV: I tired to push past all the second thoughts I had at the moment and straightened my back. "So you wanna talk to me, eh? You must be pretty reckless, Y/N! I'm the Ultimate Supreme leader, y'know?  Nee-heehee..." Kokichi laughed. "S-So you say. Does that really mean anything? What specifically is this organization you run?" I asked. "Huuuuh, didn't I tell you? I'm the supreme leader of an evil organization!" Kokichi yelled. "Mhm, you've said that, b-but..." I began to mumble, my slight confidence washing away. "It's pretty impressive, too. It has over 10,000 members!" Kokichi pressed on. "Y-You've already said that but, I can't think of any organization that fits that description..." I said. "Huuuuh, didn't I tell you? I'm also a liar, y'know." Kokichi said. "...Yes. You've mentioned that also." I mumbled. "But I'm telling the truth when I say I'm the supreme leader of an evil organization!" Kokichi yelled. I felt my brain begin to ache a little, I know how to get a simple conversation going, when talking to Kokichi however, I can't help but stumble over my words, he gives me an uneasy feeling. 

"My organization controls the entire world. But of course, it's behind the scenes. All the world's mafia syndicates are under my command. They'll get into turf wars if I don't control them. And that's just trouble for everyone. It's a pain, especially since peace is the best thing for the entire world." Kokichi explained. The words 'evil organization' sound like an overstatement. Kokichi may be troublesome but I wouldn't call him evil. "Oh, yeah! Which is why I do the same thing with the government too! I control politicians with blackmail... I manipulate the stock market on a whim... I have subordinates all over the world. The White House, Kremlin, Beijing... Wall Street, London... And even the Tokyo Stock Exchange! I make one phone call and the world changes. Let me know if you're bored with the world." Kokichi said with a poker face. Impossible, that has to be a lie. "You shouldn't think like that, Y/N." Kokichi said, still smiling. I instantly began to feel a little sick. "W-What...!?" I yelled in shock. "'That has to be a lie...'" Kokichi clarified I suppose my feeling is justified cause I began to feel a little sick. "U-Uhm." I mumbled. "Ah-haha! I knew it! Wow, I can actually read minds! Just kidding! It was pretty obvious what you were thinking.'re gonna die from stress if you keep thinking like that, Y/N. So...not that you know about us, Y/N... You must die!" Kokichi yelled, with how short he is, he wasn't very intimidating. The sentence was able to spark a little fear in me, however. "H-Hold on...! You told me, I never asked." I reminded. "Oh, Yeah! Oopsie poopsie, I'm such a ditz! Then I'll let you live for now since I messed up. But I'll kill you eventually." Kokichi said. "A-Are you...serious?" I asked, silently hoping that I wouldn't have to carry a knife around for the rest of the killing game. "Yeah, for realsies! I hate lies and jokes! Just kidding! I lied again!" Kokichi yelled. 

I felt my thoughts go silent as that word Kokichi said realsies...? Does he not care about proper vocab? I hate slangs, they're irritating to listen to and will never make sense. The only exceptions are my sister and maybe Gonta, they both haven't really proved to be the smartest people. I walked away from Kokichi with a slightly pale face and an aching mind. I don't think I've ever been so exhausted from talking before. I do suppose I have enough time to talk to one more person, I hope Kiyo isn't too far away. I hope he notices the organization I did. I sure do hope all my time didn't go completely to waste. I'm unsure why I care so much though. I took a quick stop to the casino to pick up some gifts before I went to visit Kiyo. I didn't take time to check what I got as before I knew It I had already opened the doors to the library to see Kiyo standing near a particular bookcase, he must've heard me come in as he turned around to face me. "No will to live, hm? Human begins to cling to life... That is the source of their beauty... What sort of hell, I wonder, has Ryoma experienced... I am most curious..." Kiyo said. I suppose it is rather interesting, for someone to have gone through such hellish experiences to have come to the conclusion that life was not worth living anymore. I feel slightly bad for Ryoma. I guess I have to try to double my efforts to get out to meet my reason to live, that being my sister. I searched through my pocket to find the perfect gift to give Kiyo, Cleopatra's Pearl Cocktail. I suppose this is good enough, but...would he even like it? What if it's not good enough? What if- 

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