New motives 1

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Y/N POV: My feet carried me all the way to the Ultimate Maid's lab to find Kiyo, I had to keep my mind at bay for the time being so I wouldn't do anything...rash. "If Shuichi truly wishes to speak with Rantaro, I could prepare a seance at once. There are a few that would suit our needs. Hmm...which, I wonder, would be the best... Do you have an interest in seances? Kehehe... Let me tell you all about them, then. Since you're here, you wish to learn more about Anthropology, yes?" Kiyo asked me. "Mhm, I would love to learn more. If you don't mind of course." I said, my eyes darting around the room. "Of course. I will speak of it for as long as you wish to hear of it. Perhaps we should sit somewhere for our discussion." Kiyo said, he led me towards the dining hall and we both decided to drink tea as we talked. What a peaceful setting. Once we were sitting down, I couldn't help but stare at Kiyo, I didn't mean to, it just happened. "You seem to be looking at me with a strange expression. Is something wrong?" Kiyo asked me. I fell silent for a little while, he's my friend. I shouldn't be scared to tell him things. "U-Um, you always seem to be wearing that mask, Kiyo... How would you drink tea?" I asked, sweat dropping a little. "Ah, this. I take it off at times like these..." Kiyo responded. I suppose that would make sense, otherwise, he couldn't eat or drink. Does that mean I get to see the lower half of his face? I wonder how he will look.  "...and I replace it with a mask for meals." Kiyo finished. My mind fell blank. "A...mask for meals...?" I sweat dropped. "That is correct. I have one for bathing, sleeping, and even exercising." Kiyo explained. That's certainly a variety. 

"If you will excuse me..." Kiyo said. He turned his back and began to change masks. He could've just asked me to turn around...I would have done it, no questions asked, he doesn't need to do that for someone as low as me- I mean. Different. "Thank you for waiting, Y/N." Kiyo said. His mask looked exactly the same. What was the difference? "D-Did you...change your mask?" I asked. "I did. This one is for meals. So I will proceed to enjoy this tea now." Kiyo said, picking up the teacup. "R-Right." I responded. "This tea has a nice scent. I usually prefer green tea, but this is wonderful." Kiyo said, bringing the tea closer to his lips, as if in a trance. I looked a little worried, wouldn't the tea just spill on the mask? "Aaah... A mellow flavor that makes itself familiar to the tongue." Kiyo said. A confused expression placed itself on my face. Did he just pour it in the slit? I didn't even notice. "Ah, and we have cookies as well. They look delicious." Kiyo said. I'll definitely get to see him eat them, he needs to take off his mask. I felt myself hold my breath as Kiyo bought the cookie up to his lips. "E-Eh...?" I mumbled. The cookie just...disappeared. 

"What is the matter?" Kiyo asked me. "Th-The cookie, it just...disappeared." I stammered out. "Well yes... Because I put it into my mouth." Kiyo answered. I went straight back to thinking. How is that scientifically possible? When you eat food you physically have to put it into your mouth, the cookie just doesn't disappear. "'re wondering how I ate it, aren't you? If you are vexed by such trivial things, then your world is still very small. I will open up your world through anthropology...if you so desire." Kiyo said, tilting his hat down slightly. My mouth remained a little agape by it all, even when I thought I'd been through it all, is my world still that small? I need to learn more from him. After sharing tea with Kiyo I walked back to my dorm room with him. Perhaps he wouldn't mind if I were to bother him for a couple more minutes. I walked to his dorm room with a crooked smile. I knocked on the door with slightly shaky hands, I felt my heart leap with the click of his door as it opened, Kiyo stepped outside and greeted me. "Since we've come here, my curiosity has been constantly stimulated... You have shown me beauty as well... Your suffering and thirst for knowledge have been etched into my heart... It's gotten to the point where I have so many notes, I cannot organize them on my own... Will you assist me?" Kiyo asked, with a red face I immediately agreed. Anything for him. I walked into his dorm and forced him to let me do most of the work as I organized his notes. I was good at organizing. I have to let my talent go into some use. After when I was done we both walked outside of his dorm room. I searched my pocket for the perfect present till I found the Story of Tokono. Kiyo must love this, I'm sure. 

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