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SPENCER WAS GOING to leah's house tonight

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SPENCER WAS GOING to leah's house tonight. they had become official a little over 5 months ago, meaning tonight marked their 1/2 year anniversary since their first date together- minus jj's wedding.

leah had invited spencer over. he had been there before, obviously, and have even spent the night a few times. but now that it was summer, it was nice enough to enjoy the time outside, and that was what leah wanted to do. she had  a fire pit that was begging to be used.

tonight was not a formal night. of course, they wanted to celebrate what they considered to be their 6 month anniversary, but they wanted to do it their way.

spencer knocked on leah's door, and she got herself off the couch and over towards her door. she was wearing a cute white long shall over a loose, red cami dress, with leggings covering her legs. she had a black bikini under it, in case the two decided to go swimming.

"hey bub," leah kissed spencer when she opened the door.

"hey," he smiled at her, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "happy 6 months."

he handed her the flowers and she thanked him, walking over to fill up a vase to put the flowers in.

"you can meet me outside," leah told him. "i'll only be a minute."

spencer nodded, walking outside and taking a seat near the fire. it was just starting to get dark, and the sky was a nice shade of pink.

"thank you for the flowers," she thanked him once more as she walked outside and took a seat next to spencer by the fire, cuddling up next to him by the fire. he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him.

they watched the sunset until it was completely dark and the stars had started coming out.

leah stood up, leaving spencer's arms and walking over to a speaker that was near the pool. she started playing music, the first song being "teenage dirtbag" by wheatus.

spencer watched as she began to dance to the music, and then as she took her shirt and pants off and was left in her bikini.

spencer's eyes widened and he went red. "w-what are you doing?"

"it's a bathing suit, spence," leah laughed at him, still dancing.

leah's dancing soon got out of hand, and she was very close to the edge of the pool. she ended up falling in, and spencer called her name as she plunged under the water, running up to the pool.

leah came up a few moments later, gasping for breath as spencer let out a sigh of relief.

"you scared me," he breathed out.

"i'm fine, bub," she replied. "i can swim."

spencer just looked at her. she looked really good in that bathing suit.

"like the view?" leah asked teasingly as she backstroked away from him.

"i-i..." was all spencer could get out.

"come swim with me," leah put her arms over the ledge in front of spencer, looking up at him.

"i didn't bring a bathing suit," he bent down to get closer to her level of eyesight.

"so? you have clothes here, it's not like you'll have nothing to change into."

"no, leah."

"come on, bub," she whined, moving her arms to reach his legs, trying to pull him in.

eventually, she was able to get a good enough grip on him to pull him into the water with her.

she pulled his arms up to the surface with her.

"leah, i said-"

"spencer, i'm sorry," she laughed at him a bit. "really, i didn't know you would be this upset."

her smile started to fade as she said the words, and spencer felt a bit guilty. it really wasn't a big deal, she was right, he did have clothes there from previous times he spent the night.

"i'm not mad," he cracked a very small smile at her.

"promise?" she asked him.


leah smiled, and pulled him in for a kiss, and they kissed for around 10 minutes before leah started getting cold.

the two climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel before sitting by the fire again.

"hey spence?" leah asked him after a few minutes.

"yeah, leah?" he looked over at her.

"do you ever think about our future? like, together?"

"all the time."

"you really think we'll make it?"

"i really think we will."

spencer could sense that leah was very nervous to ask these questions, and he wanted to let her know that he had no doubt it in his mind that he wanted her more than anything. he loved her, he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life.

"well, i'm glad," she smiled at him, grabbing his hand in hers.

the conversation ended there. they ended up going inside when they were completely dried off and watching anything that came up on leah's youtube recommended list.

on that list was a video titled "marriage proposal compilation."

"ugh, no," leah skipped the video right away. "proposals are always so cheesy."

"how do you mean?" spencer asked her, a confused look on his face.

"i just mean the whole proposal thing is kinda cheesy. like you go on a nice vacation or a basketball game and propose in front of thousands of people with no fear of someone saying no? i'd be terrified."

"yeah, i guess that makes sense."

"i just think it would be so much better and more meaningful and rememberable if it was more ... spontaneous, you know? like you guys have an unexpected romantic moment and you just, pop the question?"

spencer smiled a bit. "yeah, that makes a lot of sense, actually."

the conversation ended there, and spencer just sat there smiling as the next video started playing.

of course , he could tell leah that he had already bought an engagement ring, but that would give away the surprise. besides, they've only been together for 6 months, it was way too soon.

as soon as the two got together, spencer knew she would be the one. he bought the ring after 3 months of them dating, after they said their first "i love you"s.

they were truly a pam and jim pair.

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