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LEAH AND SPENCER were sitting down at their assigned table eating dinner

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LEAH AND SPENCER were sitting down at their assigned table eating dinner. they had taken their time, honestly waiting for the rest of a bau agents to finish their meals and head over to the dance floor before they actually started eating.

"you mean to tell me you've never had an actual boyfriend?" spencer asked leah, teasingly.

"stop," leah looked at him. "don't act like that is such a big surprise. i told you i was a loner in high school, shayne was the guy that showed any interest in me and he was gay."

"but- you never even, like, tried to find a boyfriend? you're 26, leah, how could you have not been with a guy yet?"

"spencer, i'll have you know i have been with a guy, it just wasn't a relationship- i've just hooked up with a few guys. just because i've never had a boyfriend doesn't mean i don't have experience with guys."

spencer opened his mouth to debate, but closed it shortly after. "fair enough."

they stopped for a few moments, beginning to eat their food again. leah stopped suddenly, putting her fork down, wiping her hands with her napkin.

then she grabbed spencer's hand with both of hers. "i'm having a really great time tonight. i just thought i'd tell you."

he smiled at her. "i'm having a good time, too."

"what are you crazy kids up to?" a voice says from behind them, a hand being placed on each other their shoulders.

"none of your business, derek," leah responded to him. "we are having a great time without you here."

"harsh, leah," derek responded jokingly. he knew she was kidding, but he also loved to tease them.

"you drinking tonight?"

"i'm not, actually. and don't act surprised, either. i just- i don't know, i guess i want to remember this night."

"awe, derek, that's so cute!"

"yeah, whatever. you kids have fun- and leah, save a dance for me!"

"i will!" leah screamed to him as he walked back to garcia and emily- who leah could tell were already a few drinks in.

the two finished dinner eventually, still stopping in between to finish a conversation they started. they were still sitting down at the table, while the rest of the bau was on the dance floor.

jj and emily then walked over to the two. "guys!" jj yelled. "come dance with us!"

"i don't dance," spencer told her.

"come onnn, it's my wedding! leah?"

"i'm on a date, jj," leah responded.

"i knowww, but please? i promise- just one song and you can come back."

"i already said-"

"you can go if you want to leah," spencer cut leah off. leah turned her attention to spencer. "i'm not going to leave you here, spence."

"leah, please go," he smiled at her. "it's jj's night, not mine- and she wants you to go."

leah looked at him, then towards jj and emily (who were smiling), and then back to spencer. "i'll be back in 10 minutes."

leah stood up, and was then pulled over to the dance floor by jj and emily. they led her to garcia and morgan, who were dancing to an upbeat song together.

"lady bird!" garcia yelled at leah. she had given her the nickname after the two watched "lady bird" together one night, and it just stuck. "where's your lover boy?"

"it's our first date, and he's at the table. i think hotch and rossi are going over to keep him company for a bit though."

"awesome! ladies and gentlemen, the party can finally start, because the party just arrived!" garcia reached her arms in leah's direction as she made that "announcement." the bau agents that were there started to clap for leah, and all she did was laugh.

"you guys are really something else," leah said. "now let's dance!"

leah didn't know what song was playing, but she did have a lot of fun dancing to it. almost 3 minutes passed until the song finally ended, and another one started playing.

"wait," leah said, her eyebrows furrowing as she listened. her eyes widened, as did her smile. "no way."

"what's up?" emily asked her, raising her eyebrows in confusion.

leah didn't respond, all she did was run back to the table (or just go at the quickest pace she could in her heels.)

she locked eyes with spencer reid, walking up to him quickly, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor.

"i told you," he started. "i don't dance."

"you don't have to dance," she responded. "just listen."

he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and started to pay attention to the music. "noooo," he groaned while laughing.

"this was destiny, spencer reid!"

as the lyrics started, leah screamed them loudly. "her name is noelle..!"

she danced like a crazy person while screaming the lyrics, spencer watching her every move. people were staring, but at this point, she didn't care. all she cared about was spencer reid, the beautiful ballroom, and wheatus.

"'cause i'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby," leah took spencer's hands, trying to make him dance with her. he didn't budge at first, but eventually, he started to sway slowly back and forth as she jumped around.

"what is going on?" derek morgan asked spencer, starting to watch leah dance.

"let's just say we have a long history with this song," spencer kept his eyes on leah.

"so do i, i love this song!"

derek then walked over towards leah, starting to scream out the lyrics and dance crazily with her as well.

and then emily joined.

and then garcia.

jj, hotch and rossi walked over to spencer, all of their eyes on the four fbi agents who were acting like complete fools.

"guess they really like this song," jj smiled.

"hey, rossi," hotch turned towards rossi. "remind me to never forget this."

"are you kidding?" he responded, pulling out his cell phone. "i'm recording this."

"come with me friday, don't say maybe," the four agents screamed out, beginning to slow down the dancing. leah turned her attention over to spencer, locking eyes with him, beginning to sing- or scream- at him.

she ran over to him, wrapping her arms around him as she jumped into his arms. he spun her around and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she started to softly sing the rest of the lyrics to him.

"no, she doesn't know what she's missing," she finally finished. she then wrapped spencer into a hug, both of them laughing.

"i cannot believe that they played that song," leah said, still hugging him.

"me neither," he responded, pulling away. "i'll admit, it's kind of growing on me."


"eh- i still prefer classical, but i guess 'teenage dirtbag' is an okay sOng."

"i'll take it."

𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙    ➳ [ SPENCER REID ] [PARTS 1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now