━━━━ vii

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"HOLY SHIT," WAS all leah said as she stepped out of the elevator

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"HOLY SHIT," WAS all leah said as she stepped out of the elevator.

although having two more weeks left of fbi school, hotch managed to get her a spot on the team starting today, and leah was as nervous as ever.

it was a surprise; that's what hotch told her. the only people who knew about leah starting today were her, hotch and hotch's boss.

she looked around to see some familiar faces- not people she knew, like derek morgan or spencer reid, but just agents she recognized from the day she was shot.

"excuse me," a blonde woman walked over to her. "can i help you?"

"oh," leah responded nervously. "yeah, um, do you know where i can find agent hotchner?"

the woman opened her mouth to answer, but before she could leah heard "leah gray! there you are."

she turned around to see hotch making his way towards her. she smiled at him.

"jj, this is agent leah gray, the one i told you about."

"oh!" jj looked surprised. "i thought she still had a few more weeks of fbi school left?"

"i talked to my boss and she told me to give her the job," hotch responded. "leah, this is agent jennifer jareau."

"please," the woman stuck out her hand for leah to shake it. "call me jj."

"it's so nice to meet you," leah said, smiling at her.

"i can take you around and introduce you to everyone if you want, and then i'll give you some paperwork you need to fill out."

"sounds great. lead the way."

her and jj walked towards another woman who was sitting at her desk.

"this is agent emily prentiss," jj said, causing the woman to look up at leah. "emily, this is-"

"leah gray!" emily responded. "hey, it's so nice to meet you, morgan's told me a lot about you."

"all bad, i hope?" leah smirked at emily, holding her hand out to her.

"and all true," a voice said from behind emily. "what are you doing here, leah?"

"i work here, derek. that's agent gray to you."

derek was surprised to say the least. leah explained how hotch got her a job two weeks early, and he hugged her tightly, congratulating her.

"okay, enough," leah said, letting go of derek. "i have people to meet."

"hey, chocolate thunder!" a voice said. "you never came back to the break r-"

the woman finally looked up at leah. "who's this?"

"babygirl," morgan started. now it was leah's turn to look surprised. "this is agent leah gray."

"oh, hi. i'd shake your hand but my hands are pretty full right now." the woman greeted leah, lifting up her arms which were drowning in files.

"it's not a problem," leah responded. "it's nice to meet you. and your name is..?"

"oh, penelope garcia. the best in the business!"

"that she is," derek chimed in. "the apple of my eye."

"and you're the light of my life," garcia walked over to him.

"hey, behave yourself. there's people present."

"or what, you'll spank me?"

derek looked awkward, as did everyone else in the room.

leah laughed. "i have a feeling we are going to get along well."

"i think so too! come, i'll take you to the break room."

leah followed garcia, saying goodbye to the other people she had met.

there was a man already in the break room, making a cup of coffee. "hey, boy wonder!" garcia said to the man across the room.

the man looked up at the two, and it was revealed to leah that the "boy wonder" in question was spencer reid.

he was at a loss for words for some odd reason- he opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing came up.

"surprise, spence," leah laughed. "hotch talked to his boss and got me a job two weeks before i finished school so-"

"it's great to see you," spencer said, cutting her off. "sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off, i was just thinking of the right thing to say."

leah laughed, looking down and shaking her head.

"oh, you two know each other already?" garcia asked.

"oh, yeah," leah responded, looking at garcia. "first time in an interrogation room, another time in a hospital room, and the third time at morgan's house. it's been a while though, four weeks, is it?"

"three weeks and 5 days," spencer responded.

leah raised her eyebrows in confusion, before it dawned on her. "eidetic memory."

he pursed his lips in a smile and looked down. "well, i gotta get back to my paperwork," spencer said, picking up his cup of coffee. he walked towards leah and garcia, stopping right in front of leah. "welcome to the team."

and with that he strolled off, before leah could even respond.

she was frozen in her place, and she didn't know why. she was at a loss for words for some reason. she waited a few moments, then shook it off.

garcia took her to her lair, showing her all the gizmos she had on her desk. leah loved every single one.

"can i tell you a secret?" leah asked garcia, who immediately Nodded her head.

"i'm terrified."

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