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"WHAT THE HELL am i doing here?" leah exclaimed

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"WHAT THE HELL am i doing here?" leah exclaimed. she felt as though she had been sitting in the interrogation room alone for hours, while in reality, it had only been 20 minutes.

"hey!" she yelled, facing towards the mirror, knowing damn well there were people watching her from the other side. "can someone please explain why i'm here?"

she kept her eyes fixated on the mirror for a few moments, then sighed and looked down at her hands, which were handcuffed to the table. then, she looked up, hearing the door slowly open as two agents walked in.

she recognized one of them almost immediately, as the man who arrested her- a tall, bald black man who intimidated her a lot more than she liked to admit. she then looked to the other agent who looked a lot older, with a full mustache and beard which she recognized as david rossi, who she had became a fan of after reading all of his books- twice.

she stayed silent as the two sat down in the chairs on the other side of the table, and waited for one of them to start talking.

"why'd you do it?" the bald agent asked her.

"why'd i do what?" she replied. "i still don't understand why the hell i'm here?"

"why'd you kill shayne parker?" leah looked shocked, almost furious. of course, she knew that was the reason she was there in the first place. however, she wondered what made these people believe that she was the one capable of it.

"me? kill shayne parker?" she asked, flabbergasted. "what makes you think i did that?"

"you mean besides your fingerprints found all over the murder weapon?"

she shook her head in confusion, but after seeing the evidence in a plastic bag that laid on the table, she sighed.

"that's a knife from my kitchen, of course my fingerprints are all over it!"

"so that's where you got the weapon?"

"i didn't kill shayne!" she stomped her feet loudly on the ground in anger, making both agents flinch a little bit.

"where's aaron?" she asked after a few moments. "who?" the bald man asked.

"aaron hotchner. you know, your boss?" she looked at the two again, scoffing.

"how do you know agent hotchner?" "i babysit his kid when i don't have work. and that was exactly where i was when shayne was killed. just ask him- i couldn't have done this."

david and the other agent looked at each other before getting up to leave the room. leah sighed in frustration.

"wait!" she exclaimed. they both looked back at her. "can you at least take the handcuffs off? my wrists hurt."

the two looked at each other, and david rossi gave the other agent a sign towards leah, indicating that he could unlock her cuffs.

as soon as she was free from the silver cuffs, she started rubbing her wrists. "thanks."

the agents left the room, and leah stood up. she started to think about why they thought she had killed her best friend. of course, her fingerprints were all over the murder weapon, but the fact that the fbi were here meant that finding prints on a weapon was way too easy. she started to think of people who might have killed shayne; people she knew started filling her thoughts one by one until she came across someone who could possibly have a motive.

she remembered the first time she met daniel porter. she was in her junior year of high school when shayne talked on and on about how cute he was, and how he thought daniel felt the same way towards him. she remembered how shayne talked about the first "date" that they went on, which included nothing but making out in shayne's bedroom.

she remembered how hurt shayne was the next day, when daniel ignored his "hello" as they passed by each other in the hallway. something about daniel always made leah feel scared- not the nervous kind of scared, but instead a terrified kind of scared. she remembered the first time she witnessed one of daniel's many outbursts in class, and although she never told anyone, she had always thought that he had borderline personality disorder- the sudden outbursts and how he would go from being one of the most popular guys in school one day to a loner the next day.

she remembered, then, that shayne had recently talked about how he reunited with an "old friend" a few days before he died- and how even though he didn't give many details, he indicated that he was indeed very interested in this "friend."

she believed in the possibility that the old friend he spoke about could be daniel, and how maybe it was him he killed shayne. it would make sense- she remembered how the outbursts he had in class became more violent each time; how they escalated from yelling at the teacher to punching the girl that sat next to him in the face until she knocked out. if he did this damage in high school, what would stop him from killing a man years later?

she even remembered the one time he attempted to stab a classmate in his stomach with a pencil- and that was where shayne was stabbed when he died-

"what are you thinking?"

the voice snapped her out of her trance. she jumped, and turned towards the door to see aaron, along with another skinny man who she hadn't seen before.

she studied the skinny man for a moment, making eye contact with him for a second before she finally responded to aaron's question.

"i'm thinking that i shouldn't be here, and that your team caught the wrong guy- or girl, whatever. and i think that i should be let go and i think you should find the actual killer, considering i think i might know who he is."

aaron was speechless for a second, before looking at the skinny man.

"who do you think it is? how do you even know?"

she briefly explained daniel porter, his outbursts in high school and his connections to shayne parker. aaron exchanged another look with the skinny man and mumbled something along the lines of "that matches our profile."

they turned back to her, in shock that she might have managed to find the killer they had been searching for for days in the span of 5 minutes with her own thoughts. of course, there was no proof yet, but since daniel matched the profile of their unsub, they still needed to check him out.

"reid," aaron started. "i'll take morgan and rossi over to daniel's house and take him in for questioning, you stay here with leah."

he turned back to leah before leaving. "are you okay? i'm sorry about this, i know there's no way you did this, you were with jack that night right?" leah nodded in response. "can you just stay here until we get things sorted out?"

"yeah, whatever," was what leah said in response. "only if you raise the price next time i babysit." aaron looked to her and smiled before leaving the room.

she sat down in the chair and sighed before looking up at the skinny man who was still in the room.

"reid, was it?" the man looked up at her. "oh, uh, yeah," he replied awkwardly, taking a seat at the table himself.

"how old are you? you look too young to be an fbi agent." "oh, i'm 27, actually." leah's interest peaked. knowing that she was almost his age and he was already an fbi agent, she hoped that one day she would be standing in his place.

she read his laminated card that was clipped to his bag. "doctor spencer reid," she Said. he looked up. "nice to meet you, i'm leah gray."

𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙    ➳ [ SPENCER REID ] [PARTS 1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now