Chapter 3- 1977?

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Frannie sat up with a groan, pressing her fingers to her throbbing temple and cracking open her eyes. The smell of old oak filled her nostrils as she pushed herself upwards from the bottom of the cabinet, wondering how on earth she was still alive. She paused, briefly wondering if she had been idiotic enough to throw herself into the Vanishing Cabinet she and Draco had worked on last year. But Bellatrix had had it moved to her quarters.

Reaching up a trembling hand, Frannie pushed on the back of the door, sending in a flood of sunlight. She shrank back, dots dancing across her gaze as she whipped her head back and forth, trying to gauge her surroundings. It still seemed to be the Room of Requirement, with all its hidden treasures. However, there was no sign of the damage from the cursed fire and everything seemed oddly quiet.

Frannie hissed in a breath of pain as she scooted out of the cabinet, landing harshly on the cobblestone floor. Her heart leapt in her throat as a shimmering tiara caught her eye, perched on top of a rather ugly bust. The diadem was still there, as if Harry had never found it.

Frannie's pulse began to quicken as she scrambled between the piles of rubbish, not bothering to fix the various objects she knocked over on her way to the door. Pushing open the heavy iron clasp, she emerged into the empty corridor.

"What the bloody—" Frannie let out a string of expletives she normally would never have used.

The castle was perfect. The dirt and dust she had remembered from her earlier years still covered the ancient paintings on the walls, but there was not a stone shattered in her path. She could hear the soft murmur of voices below, as though students were simply walking to their classes. It was remarkably different from the battle ridden school she had just ran through.

Frannie took a few steps forward, biting her lip as she wondered what to do. She tapped her wand over her head, wincing at the chill that trickled over her body as the Disillusionment Charm took effect and wishing Potter had shared his invisibility cloak. She couldn't risk being seen before she figured out what dimension she had landed in.

Taking the stairway two at a time, Frannie descended towards the main floor, marveling at the smooth marble and at a couple of Hufflepuff first years who brushed past her elbow, chattering madly. She briefly wondered if this was heaven, although she highly doubted it would take the shape of the ancient castle.


Frannie ducked instinctively as the wall behind her right shoulder cracked, sending down a rain of pebbles. Reaching for her wand, she braced herself for defense.

"Took care of that rather easily," a black-haired boy appeared from around the corner, his robes lined in scarlet as he kicked an emerald banner that had tumbled to the floor. "One step closer to ridding this school of snake filth."

"HARRY?" Frannie squeaked, before clasping a hand over her mouth harshly as the boy looked up in suspicion. Unlike the boy who lived, he had hazel eyes that glimmered behind his spectacles, dancing with mischief.

Frannie felt her stomach begin to sink as the castle tilted in her vision, leaving her feeling rather dizzy. No way.

There was the sound of several footsteps as three more boys appeared from the stairwell, all donning Gryffindor robes. The first was a rather short blonde boy with a watery blue gaze. He gave a large sniff as he wiped his nose with the end of his sleeve.

"You really think this is going to work?" He seemed rather nervous as he eyed the crumbled banner.

"No," the second boy spoke up and Frannie felt her heart twist. A few faint scars ran across the boy's face, although it was his chocolate brown gaze that stood out the most as he shook his head. "When do their ideas ever work?"

The Turns of Time- James Potter Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora