Chapter 4- Gallovanting with Gryffindors

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Frannie made her way towards Gryffindor Tower, every muscle of her body aching to go back to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons. She had never been to the lion's den, but she remembered the rather irritating portrait who guarded the entrance, forcing passerby to listen to atrocious singing.

It was a pleasant experience to wander through the corridors without anyone staring or paying a bit of attention. For her entire life, Frannie had been known as the daughter of Sirius Black, a mass murderer and later Azkaban escapee, and she had always felt trapped in his shadow. Those who knew him were disappointed she didn't live up to his legacy and the Slytherins happily referred to her as the bloodtraitor's daughter.

Her hand rose to her right arm self-consciously. She was one as well, she supposed. Maybe that was why the blasted hat put her in Gryffindor. Chewing on her lip, Frannie felt a wave of emotion choke her throat. She was going to meet her mother.

Walburga had never spoken of her parentage, insisting that it only marred the Black name. But Frannie had found a collection of letters in Sirius's possession after he died that were all signed by the same name.

"Hello! Are you new?"

Frannie turned around at the bright voice, trying to appear composed as she recognized the emerald eyes of the witch in front of her. She had seen the same gaze on Scarhead too many times.

Lily Evans stood, her hand extended friendlily as she beamed at Frannie. Long, red hair tumbled down to her waist and Frannie regretted cutting her own for the millionth time. Her skin was porcelain, although dotted with several freckles and her pale lips revealed a set of pretty teeth.

Frannie wanted to roll her eyes. Of course, Potter would have a model for a mother. Forcing a smile onto her face and feeling rather uncomfortable, she accepted the witch's hand and gave it a small shake. "Pleasure to meet you."

"Lily Evans." The girl introduced, a head girl badge gleaming on her robes proudly. Her uniform was tucked in at all the right places and there was not a wrinkle in sight. "Where are you from?

"I'm Francesca Smith," Frannie introduced, trying to keep the pureblood coldness from her tone. She was much too accustomed to formal introductions. "I recently transferred from Beauxbatons, with the war and all."

Lily's expression grew solemn for an instant and Frannie could see a flash of fear in her eyes. She knew Potter's mum was a Muggleborn, so it only made sense that she would be frightened. After all, her blood status alone made her an instant target.

The redhead gave another smile, shaking her long tresses and gesturing for Frannie to follow her, her bubbly demeanor returning. "Well, I'll show you to the common room! Gryffindor is the best, you know." Her pink lips curved into a teasing smile. "Just don't tell the other houses I said that!"

"I won't," Frannie promised, grimacing as they approached the painting that guarded the entrance to the tower. A woman took up majority of the frame, her face framed by a set of black curls and her cheeks flushed pink with excitement.

"Lily, dear!" the Fat Lady greeted, looking at the witch fondly. "Who is your friend?"

"This is Francesca Smith," Lily gestured in her direction with a delicate hand. "She's a transfer from Beauxbatons."

Frannie managed a weak grin as the portrait let out a rather ear-piercing shriek.

"Oh, I just adore France," she clasped her hands together, the white silk of her dress quivering with her excitement. "Home to many famous singers, you know."

"Which means you'll never be there."

Frannie spun around at the sound of a boy's voice. James Potter was back, along with the rest of his posse, and he stood eyeing Lily with a smirk.

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