Chapter 30- Dumbledore's (infuriatingly) Cryptic Ways

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"I still can't BELIEVE I didn't put the pieces together," Lily grumbled, pulling a book from the top of her stack and slamming it down on the library desk. "I mean, she and Sirius have been at it for ages, but I never thought they would settle down. But you and her have the same—"

"Eyes?" Frannie finished, looking at the redhead in amusement. She was beginning to understand how Harry felt, with his mother's emerald gaze. "Walburga secretly hoped I was Regulus's daughter until she saw them." She flipped through another page of the Dark Arts book she had snuck from the Restricted Section, scanning the passage on Fiendyfire. "She's doing better, right?"

Lily gave a sigh, letting her shoulders sink downwards. "Marlene? She'll be fine, thank goodness. Just a few scars. Mary is a rather superb healer, you know." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Always made me jealous."

"You want to be a Healer?" Frannie looked up in surprise. "I didn't know that."

Lily frowned. "Was I not one in your time?" She shook her head as Frannie paled. "Never mind, but yes I want to work at St. Mungo's. Really hard to get into their program though."

Frannie rolled her eyes, pushing her friend's shoulder gently. "Lils, if you can't get in, no one could." Her brow furrowed as she pushed her hair behind her back. It had grown well past her shoulders now, pushing past her ribs. "Wait, what did Madame Pomfrey say about Marl's injuries? She had to have seen her in the Hospital Wing."

"Sirius and James blamed it on one of their pranks gone wrong," Lily rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "And at their current record, its fairly feasible, although I doubt Pomfrey bought it."

"That's what I don't understand," Frannie tugged on the ends of her hair, chewing on the edge of her lip. "The Dumbledore I knew would have instantly found out everything about Draco and I, without letting us do anything on our own."

"Perhaps I grew more rash in my future years, Ms. Black."

Frannie froze, turning around slowly to see the headmaster standing behind her, dressed in bright purple robes with his hands folded calmly in front of his chest.

Dumbledore smiled, his blue gaze twinkling behind his glasses. "I do admit, I know much about yours and Mr. Malfoy's past endeavors, as well as your current mission." He dipped his head, pinning Frannie in her seat. "However, it seems my meddling can do more harm than good and the only way I can control myself is to refrain from becoming involved in your plans entirely." He turned away, his robes brushing the stone floor. "Although I find the library can be quite educational, especially Mr. Flamel's volume on the art of fire making."

Frannie stared at Lily as Dumbledore disappeared through the doorway, her mouth hanging slightly open. "Did he just—"

"Give us a lead on Fiendyfire?" Lily smiled, twisting her hair into a knot. "I love that man."

Frannie's grin faded as her gaze fell on a dark head of hair in the corner of the room, scribbling notes into a journal intently. "Lily, I'm worried about Severus."

Lily sighed, her gaze flashing with pain as it focused on the boy. "I told him I forgave him, you know."

"WHAT?" Frannie shrank back as Madame Pince glared at her from across the room. She leaned forward, lowering her tone. "You didn't tell me that!"

"Because it didn't make much difference," Lily replied sadly, packing up her books. "He still refuses to join our side."

Frannie reached out a hand, gripping the redhead's fingers firmly. "Lils, you gave him an opportunity. That means everything."

Lily nodded, a faint sheen of tears glimmering in her eyes as she pressed her lips into a weak smile. "Now c'mon, Fran. We have a dark wizard to take down."

Frannie followed her down the aisle towards the DADA section, nearly running into several chairs. "You're starting to sound like Sirius."

Lily grimaced as she waved her wand, summoning down a large book from the highest shelf. "It's your fault for getting me involved in the first place. I think I'm going mental being around those idiots."

Frannie looked at her friend solemnly. "Lils, you were always mental to begin with."

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