Chapter 20- Regulus's Resistance

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Frannie looked across the Charms classroom as Regulus scribbled notes into his journal feverishly, looking rather sick and pale. For some reason, the boy had gotten accepted into seventh year Charms. She smiled slightly. Granger would be so jealous.

"Draco," she hissed as Flitwick dismissed the class, the students eager to leave and pressing in around her as she approached her cousin. "I found our last recruit."

Draco followed her gaze over to her uncle, immediately shaking his head firmly. "The only reason we asked those idiotic Gryffindors is because they do tend to be loyal. As fellow Slytherins, we both know the games we play."

"Thanks, mate," Sirius had appeared from over their shoulder, clapping Malfoy on the back as Draco flinched away. "I do believe that's the first good thing I've heard you say about us. Prongsie, did you write it down?"

James looked up from his parchment, a spot of ink on his nose. "Yes, sir!"

Frannie shook her head in amusement before turning back to her cousin, her tone growing more serious as she narrowed her eyebrows. "Draco, he's going to get it over Christmas."

Draco stiffened, swallowing harshly as he looked over his shoulder, making sure there was no one watching before he waved his wand, forcing Regulus to stick to his chair. The Slytherin spluttered in indignation, kicking at the legs of his desk in an attempt to free himself.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Regulus spat as the group approached him, moving about furiously in his chair to no avail. "Take this curse off me before I—"

"You're not exactly in the position to make threats," Draco observed, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, we're trying to save your life, so I would be grateful."

Regulus stilled, his expression growing stoic as he lowered his head, glaring at his desktop. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Sirius looked between the three Slytherins, seeming very confused at their grave stances. "What's going on? Why is Reggie in dan—"

"Don't call me that," Regulus spat, his eyes flashing a cold steel.

"Regulus," Frannie bent down urgently, her gaze scanning his face as she leaned on the front of his desk. The scarlet of her tie caught her eye and for the first time, she was thankful for the purity of Gryffindor. "There's no going back."

"What would you know?" Regulus snarled, spit flying from his mouth in his rage as he leaned backwards in his chair, tipping dangerously. "You're blood traitors. Nothing has ever mattered to you."

Draco took a step forward, his expression cold. "I would be careful before you assume things, Black. You have no idea what you're talking about."

"He's going to become a Death Eater, isn't he?" Lily's soft voice broke the silence as the redhead gazed at Regulus sadly, her emerald gaze flashing with horror.

Sirius let out a cruel laugh. "About time, eh Reg? Did Mummy cry with joy?"

"Sirius, enough!" Frannie whirled around, sending her father a fierce glare.

"No, she's actually rather terrified," Regulus hissed, his skin sallow as a trickle of sweat dripped down his forehead. "Not that you'd know anything about her."

"Everyone shut up!" Draco snapped, raising his wand in the air. "I'm trying to think." His chest heaved as he took a deep breath, sending Frannie a questioning look. Frannie bit her lip, realizing what he was about to say. "Listen, Black. I know exactly what you're going through. You don't really want to become a Death Eater, but it's what expected of you. You're downright scared, but can't admit it to anyone because they would either kill you on the spot or think that you were weak." The blonde took a step closer towards Regulus. "You want to make your family proud, but you're beginning to wonder if they really love you or if you're just another pawn in their quest for power. Meanwhile, everyone around you seems to be living normal lives and you wonder where exactly you went wrong to end up in the position you're in."

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