Chapter 7- Scorn of Snivellus

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"Can I talk to you?"

Frannie looked up to see Lily's guilty face peering up at her as she headed towards the dungeons for their first Potions class. "Of course," she replied hesitantly, not sure at all where this conversation was going.

"I've been acting like a total git!" Lily burst, throwing her arms into the air as her eyes glimmered with tears. "It's just you made me rethink everything about myself." Her voice trembled as she adjusted her shoulder bag. "I've always wanted people to like me, you see. Lily Evans: the nice girl. But after what you said about Peter, I realize I've been focusing on how being nice makes me feel good and not actually caring about these people I'm so polite to."

Frannie paused, blinking at the redhead with a surprised expression and not quite sure how to respond. "People love you, Lil—"

"Do they?" the redhead's gaze hardened as she scuffed the toe of her heels on the stone. "Or am I just another tolerable girl that will fade from the lives of most of these people once we graduate because I was too invested in my image and didn't bother to expand my relationships?"

Frannie chewed on her lip, clutching her Potions textbook closer to her chest. "Well, it isn't too late," she looked up at Lily with a gentle smile.

"No, it's not," the fiery redhead held open the door as they walked into Slughorn's classroom. "I think I'm going to sit by Peter today."

Frannie watched in amusement as Lily strode over to the short boy, asking if she could sit (although it seemed more like demanding). Peter looked rather surprised, but gave a pleased nod, his watery gaze brightening.

"Oi, Smith," James gestured over at her to an empty seat at his left. "Padfoot ditched me for Moony, so you can have this spot."

"Sirius just wants me for my work," Remus rolled his eyes, already beginning to organize the potion ingredients at the table.

Frannie's father clutched at his chest, leaning backwards with a heartbroken expression. "MOONY! How could you say that? You know I love—"

"Because you've failed the last three assignments," Remus responded, not bothering to acknowledge the boy's antics. "And just yesterday you were saying how you would never leave James's side if it meant you could still pass your classes."

Frannie snorted, moving over to the left side of the room. "Thanks for the offer, James. But I think I'll find a less distracting seat." Ignoring the boy's protests, she strode over to a dark-haired Slytherin who sat in the back corner of the room, scribbling notes into his Potions textbook.

"Can I sit here?"

Severus Snape looked up in surprise, his black gaze hardening as he stared at the scarlet crest on her robes. "I'm fine by myself, thanks."

Frannie felt a wave of sadness as she observed her future mentor. Of all the familiar faces she had seen since travelling back in the past, his would change the least. A wave of greasy hair hung down to his shoulders as his hunched posture spoke of years of loneliness and abuse.

"Please?" She set down her textbook, widening her gaze eagerly. "I could use some help."

"If you taught the fool Pettigrew how to complete NEWT level charmwork, I think you'll manage just fine," Severus snapped, turning back to his quill and parchment. "I'm not some charity case. I assure you, I prefer to be on my own."

Frannie gaped at the Slytherin, his words stinging as he continued to scribble a few words. "Well, good thing I don't take no for an answer."

Severus looked up in disgust as she sat down next to him, beginning to unpack their set of scales. "Leave," his voice lowered to a snarl. "Or I'll make you."

"How?" Frannie retorted, nodding her head to Professor Slughorn, who was already watching the pair in interest. "I'll tell Slughorn I need your tutoring."

Severus slammed his cauldron on the table and for an instant, Frannie was afraid he was going to throw the object at her head. "Just don't get in my way."

Frannie beamed, her brown eyes lighting up in satisfaction as she leaned backwards, knowing there was no way Severus would let her help with the potion. He had always been rather possessive. Her gaze flickered over to Lily, who was carefully instructing Peter on which direction to stir. Through eavesdropping on Harry (which had happened more times than she would admit), she had learned that Severus had a deep love for Lily Evans. In fact, it was what made him a double agent in the first place. She rubbed her left arm self-consciously before realizing that Snape was watching her with a calculating expression.

"I thought you wanted to brew the potion yourself?" she muttered, letting her arm fall to her side and cursing herself for being so careless. "Or do you want me to grab something for you?"

Severus blinked at her, seeming slightly hesitant before resuming his irritated position. "Just cut up this bit of bat wing here. CAREFULLY." He emphasized as Frannie reached over to grab a knife.

Frannie resisted the urge to reply, slicing the flesh into thin strips. Severus had hated her when she first came to Hogwarts, reminding him of her bully of a father. However, by fifth year she was sure he looked at her with a begrudging respect. Frannie had worked hard to separate herself from her father's reputation. Being a Slytherin certainly helped too.

The Potions class passed quickly, with Severus saying very little besides admonishing her when she did something wrong.

Slughorn made his way to their table gleefully and Frannie grinned at the professor's eager expression. Obviously, Severus never failed to impress.

"Perfect, Mr. Snape!" Slughorn exclaimed, his great moustache quivering with the effort as he clapped his hands. "As usual." He looked over at Frannie, curiosity blooming in his gaze. "And Ms. Smith, I believe you assisted?"

"A bit," Frannie responded wryly and she swore she heard Severus give a sarcastic snort as she packed up her things.

"SMITH!" James appeared from behind her, throwing a casual arm over her shoulders. "How could you ditch me for Snivellus?" He faked a sob, clutching his chest. "I thought we were mates."

Frannie felt Severus stiffen with anger at the name. "Considering the fact you've never tried to know me, Potter," she replied, a hint of annoyance lacing her tone, "I wouldn't even call us acquaintances."

James frowned, his hazel gaze growing defensive as Frannie turned away. "You can't tell me you actually like the slimy git!" He gestured at Severus, who simply scowled at the bespectacled boy.

"Are you referring to yourself?" Frannie raised an eyebrow coolly, her long resentment of the Potter family flaring in her chest. "Because that's the only git I see."

Throwing her bag over her shoulder, Frannie hurried out of the classroom, hoping she wouldn't regret what she had said.

"That was brilliant!" Lily's eyes were wide as she followed Frannie, heading towards the Great Hall. "I can't believe you actually said that." She smirked, her emerald gaze glowing with satisfaction. "Did you see Potter's face?"

Frannie chewed on her lip, her hands still shaking with emotion. "How many people heard?"

Lily frowned, confused at her lack of enthusiasm. "Only Potter, Black, Severus, and I."

Frannie let out a sigh of relief, collapsing at the Gryffindor table and taking a long sip of water. "Good."

The redhead watched her in amusement, patting her back briefly. "Potter bounces back before you can say 'quidditch'. Trust me, I've insulted him enough times to know." Her emerald gaze darkened slightly as she rubbed a freckled arm. "Now I'd just worry about the pranks."

Frannie groaned, throwing her head into her arms. She had heard enough of her father's stories.

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