Chapter 10- Flutters of Attraction

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"You've been at it with Lils again, haven't you?" Marlene sent Frannie a sympathetic look from where she was applying her lipstick in the Gryffindor common room. The blonde tossed her straight locks behind her shoulder with a grimace. "I've been on the receiving end of her wrath more than once. Isn't pretty." Her nose scrunched. "Best just give her some space."

Frannie sighed, biting her lip as she tried to avoid eye contact with her mother. She had never known Marlene and it made meeting her past self all the stranger. Who was this woman? "Thanks," she nodded her head, pulling her textbook closer to her chest. "I was being insensitive."

"I can help you there!"

James's enthusiastic voice made Frannie jump, knocking her book to the ground and bending several of its pages. She picked it up immediately, waving her wand and restoring it to its original condition.

"Sorry," the boy added, not looking at all apologetic as he swung his legs on the table, reclining on one of the maroon sofas. "I've just had loads of experience dealing with an angry Lilyflower." James sat up, his hazel eyes glimmering in interest. "Maybe send her a bouquet?"

Marlene rolled her eyes while Frannie suppressed a snort. "I'm sure that would be brilliant, Potter," she drawled sarcastically, shaking her head. "Hey Lily I'm sorry Snape called you a mudblood. Fancy a sniff of these roses?"

Her grin faded as James and Marlene sat silently, staring at her with large gazes and their faces pale.

"Right," she adjusted her position in the chair uncomfortably, pulling at her skirt. "Sorry, I'm really not used to it being such a taboo."

James frowned, running a hand over his head. "So, the French use slurs?"

"They have nude beaches," Sirius popped up from behind his friend, wriggling his eyebrows and seeming unaware of the conversation. "Wish I could go," his silver gaze grew dreamy.

Marlene pursed her lips, flicking a strand of hair away from her face. "Tired of me, Black?"

"What?" Sirius seemed to realize his mistake as he shook his head vehemently. "Absolutely not." He sent Frannie's mum a mischievous wink. "How is that even possible, McKinnon?"

Frannie groaned, throwing her head back over the top of her chair. "GROSS. Get a room," she stuck out her tongue.

James nodded in agreement, his hair sticking on end, "for once, I support Smith over here. Just don't use my bed as a snogging match this time."

"WHAT?" Frannie was repulsed as Sirius and Marlene didn't even have the shame to look embarrassed. She raised a dark eyebrow at her parents. "Seriously?"

"Yes, I am!" Sirius beamed, his face lighting up as he extended a playful hand to Marlene. "Whadda say doll? Feeling adventurous?"

Marlene pretended to think, although Frannie swore she saw a satisfied flash in the girl's gaze. "Only cause I tolerate you, Black."

"Oh really?" Sirius pulled her close to his waist, leading her out of the common room. "You weren't saying that when—"

"STOP!" Frannie and James cried together, even though the pair had disappeared out of the portrait hole. She sent the bespectacled boy an amused look, although she felt rather awkward at their sudden isolation. "Innocent mind, eh Potter?"

James rolled his eyes, pulling off his Gryffindor tie and undoing a few of the clasps on his robes. "I'll have you know, I'm waiting for my darling redhead, Smith."

"How romantic," Frannie deadpanned, returning to her homework, part of her wishing the boy would just leave and another part begging him to stay. "At this rate you'll be celibate for life," she smirked slightly, turning in James's direction.

However, the boy looked rather depressed, staring at the scarlet carpet with a defeated expression. "Maybe I'm doomed." He raised his head and Frannie was surprised at the level of care flashing in his hazel gaze as he let out a sigh.

She pursed her lips, pretending to skim over the latest chapter in her book as she tried to formulate the best response. "As obnoxious as you are, I don't think so."

"Really?" James sat up in his chair, a smile growing across his face as he collapsed on his knees, grabbing Frannie's hand. "Fair maiden, thank you for your mighty support!"

Frannie shook him off, hiding her hand behind her back and trying to stop the heat creeping across her cheeks. What was wrong with her? This was Harry's father!

"It's only because you look so pathetic, Potter," she shook a finger in his direction as James scrambled to his feet. "Won't happen again."

James grinned, although after a slight pause, he looked up almost bashfully, if that was possible. "Fran, do you really think Lily will fancy me one day?"

Frannie sighed, feeling a strange wave of disappointment run through her chest. "Yes, James I really think so." She allowed a small smile to cross her face. "You're too ruddy stubborn."

There was a pause as the pair exchanged a soft glance, the light of the fireplace casting flickering shadows on James's face as he gave a small nod, finally breaking away from Frannie's chocolate gaze. "Thanks, Smith."

Frannie watched him bound up the stairs towards the boy's dormitories, a new spring in his step. She let out a sigh, adjusting the book in her lap and trying to return to reading, although it was rather impossible. She chewed on one of her fingernails, trying to forget the way James's eyes lit up when he looked at her.

"You're here to save people's lives, Francesca," she scolded herself under her breath. "Not to fancy your father's best mate!"

Looking back at her Transfiguration textbook, she focused back on the words, reading carefully about the history of Animagi. It might be useful to finally become one. 

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