Chapter 13- Secrets Unveiled

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(Fun Fact: this was the first thing I ever wrote for this book!)

Frannie groaned, shrinking backwards as she tried to distance herself from the Marauders and cursing the ruddy Sorting Hat for putting her in Gryffindor, despite the brilliant party a few weeks ago. The Great Hall was decorated for Halloween, the lights reflecting an orange glow about the stone and several bats soared overhead, too close for her comfort. Today only reminded her of Harry and the great responsibility that seemed to weigh on her shoulders.

Taking another bit of pumpkin tart from the platter in the center of the table, she shot Lily a terrorized expression as an eruption of cackles burst from across them. "What have they done this time?"

Lily's emerald eyes glowed in annoyance as she took another sip of pumpkin juice through pursed lips. "I don't know." She watched as James and Sirius bent their heads together, whispering frantically and motioning at some object in James's hand. "But when you hear them start giggling like that, it's nothing good."

Frannie swallowed at the excitement dancing in her father's silver gaze. The only time she had ever seem him this jovial in the future was over Christmas. Because of perfect Harry of course. Sirius must have felt her gaze, as his head of curls turned in her direction and Frannie quickly snapped her face down, picking at her dessert.

"You really should eat more," Lily commented, always the mother as she looked at Frannie in concern. "I finally thought you were getting your appetite back."

Not when I have to see my dead father and his friends every day, Frannie bit back, sending a small smile at the redhead. If only Harry had inherited more of his mother's compassionate qualities, he wouldn't have had such a hero complex. She shook her head, trying to shake the negative thoughts that had been eating at her all day. "I'll be okay, Lils."

Lily frowned, scribbling a few words on a roll of parchment. "Do you know what Slughorn—"

"OI EVANS!" James stood up on the top of the table, puffing his chest with pride and his shirt unbuttoned halfway down. Secretly, Frannie couldn't say that she minded, but she still felt rather disgusted with herself for checking out her father's best friend, even if they were technically the same age now.

"Want to see our latest invention?" James held out a small figurine in his hand and Frannie bit back a laugh. A mini Lily Evans stalked across his palm, her face twisted in a scowl as she put her hands on her hips. "A beauty, if I do say so myself."

The real Lily looked scandalized, her face growing a bright red that greatly clashed with her hair. "I knew you were a nutter Potter," she snapped, her quill breaking in half in her tight grip. "But this is a whole new level of creepy."

James didn't look fazed, simply running a hand through his hair and making it stand on end. "But there is a purpose to my madness, Lilyflower," his hazel eyes glinted mischeviously as he glanced down at the figurine in his hand. "Little Lils, give me the history of the gorgeous women sitting right there," he angled his hand towards the redheaded Gryffindor.

The figurine perched on the edge of James's hand, seeming reluctant to touch more of the boy's skin than necessary as she stared at her real-life counterpart. "Lily Marie Evans. Born January 30th, 1960. Gryffindor House. Sister of Petunia and—"

"So, you've turned me into a dictionary." Lily raised an unimpressed brow, although she tried to put more distance between her and the figure. "Congratulations."

James's grin drooped slightly as Sirius let out a scoff. "Come off it, Evans," the elder Black grumbled, grabbing the figure from his mate's hand. "This took some advanced magic."

Remus looked up from his book briefly, grimacing at Lily sympathetically. "I told them it was a bad idea to use Quidditch merchandise as inspiration."

"WHAT?" Sirius clutched at his chest, sinking into his seat as he threw an arm around an annoyed Lupin. "Quidditch is the meaning of life!"

Frannie watched the interaction in amusement, feeling a wave of affection for her would be godfather. Suddenly, Sirius shoved the Lily figurine in her direction, his silver gaze calculating. "Fake Evans, please describe our newest Gryffindor."

Her breath caught in her throat as the next seconds seem to play out like some cruel joke.

"Francesca Black," the redheaded figure grumbled, seeming remarkably uninterested. "Born November 14th, 1980. Slytherin House. Daughter of—"

Before she was aware of what she was doing, Frannie had whipped out her wand and blasted the poor figure to bits, wax raining down upon the table. Panting heavily, she refused to look up as a heavy silence fell over the Great Hall and the other houses wondered what on earth had finally gotten the Gryffindors to be quiet.

"Faulty toy," Frannie muttered, tripping over her robes as she stood up from the table, all the blood draining from her face.

"Miss Black?"

She spun around to see Dumbledore peering at her from the top of his halfmoon spectacles, his blue eyes flickering with unease.

"Have to go," Frannie managed before she fled from the hall, not bothering to look back. She hadn't run so fast since the Battle of Hogwarts in her own time. Finding Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor, she ripped upon one of the stall doors before emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet, the smell of mold and porcelain filling her nostrils.

Collapsing against the wall, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, a long, dark curl falling in front of her eyes. What was she going to do?

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