Chapter 23- Malicious Malfoys

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Frannie pursed her lips, applying a last layer of dark lipstick in front of her compact mirror before snapping it shut. She was dressed in a tight black dress, waiting on the outskirts of Hogsmeade for Sirius and Draco to appear before they apparated to Malfoy Manor. It was difficult to breathe, although she had been the one to encourage Lily to lace the corset tighter. Pureblood women seemed to pride themselves on pain in every form. She adjusted the slit on her side, trying not to reveal too much of her leg.

"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?" Sirius ducked around the corner of the alley, whipping the invisibility cloak off of him and James. Draco followed close behind, his face set in a permanent scowl. Frannie knew he wasn't looking forward to returning to the home of his childhood.

"A dress?" Frannie raised an eyebrow, pulling her silk shawl over her exposed chest and trying to discretely check James's reaction. She grinned slightly as she saw the boy's mouth hanging open.

Sirius snorted, making a disapproving noise in the back of his throat. "You call that a dress?" He shook his head vehemently. "No way, we'll wait for you to change."

"Thanks, dad," Frannie retorted sarcastically, Sirius wincing slightly at the name. "But I think I can handle it."

"Reminds me of old times, doesn't it?" Draco extended an elbow towards her, his eyebrow quirked. "Remember when you seduced Rosier before stunning him into that bookcase?"

Sirius narrowed his silver gaze, his expression hidden by shadows in the dark alley. "SEDUCED?"

Draco rolled his eyes, seeming to rather enjoy the Gryffindor's reaction. "Francesca was a female spy. She used it to her advantage when we needed it." He glanced at the watch on his wrist, checking the time. "Besides, you're not exactly a one-woman man yourself."

Sirius grunted in response, seeming to barely refrain from strangling the blonde. "Remus, Lily, and Peter have already apparated and they'll be stationed at the back of the manor. Send red sparks if you're in trouble. James will wait up front while we," his lip curled in disgust, "mingle."

Frannie felt James's hand rest on her hip for an instant, his breath warm on her neck. "Black is my new favourite colour."

Frannie grinned, turning her head to respond, but Draco had already turned on his heel, dragging the four of them away from the chilly alley with a pop.

Frannie landed on her feet rather gracefully, accustomed to countless apparations. She was just rather thankful to not be escaping Death Eaters this time, although that one might come to pass by the end of the night.

James and Sirius scrambled up from where they had landed on the lawn, covered by the shadow of an enormous hedge trimmed in the shape of a serpent.

Frannie grinned, giving the leaves an affectionate pat. "Didn't know Fangs was so old."

"Fangs?" James questioned, ducking behind a marble pillar as an older couple passed by, their faces fixed in stoic expressions.

"Draco and I's pet," Frannie turned, the light from the window flickering over her face. "We got rather lonely. Bit sad, really."

Draco sighed, pulling her closer and waving a wand over her appearance, turning her hair a light blonde and her eyes blue. "Stop making a fool of us and get to work."

Frannie bit her lip, giving a sharp nod as she altered her cousin's appearance as well, turning his hair a bright ginger. She turned to her father, but Sirius held out an indignant hand immediately.

"Don't mess with the hair!" her father spluttered, shaking his locks.

"Whatever," Frannie rolled her eyes, making his nose longer and his face a bit narrower before changing his gaze to a light hazel.

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