Chapter 15- A Saved Finger

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"You know they're not going to leave you alone," Lily looked up from where she, Alice, and Frannie were studying in their dormitory. Frannie had been determined to avoid as many students as possible, only in the corridors in between classes. She had yet to see Regulus, although she figured their Quidditch mornings were over.

"I know," Frannie sighed, stretching her legs as she sat down her quill. Seventh year was exhausting, even without being on the run. "I just can't handle them yet."

Alice squeezed her hand in sympathy, shaking her dark head. "It's your story to tell at the right time."

"I just cannot believe that Sirius is your father!" Lily exclaimed, disrupting her pot of ink in her passion. "I mean, how are you not dead?"

Frannie laughed at the redhead's indignation, feeling a wave of relief. Lily had taken the news rather easily, insisting that Frannie should tell her little of the future and that she only now held her parentage against her. "Honestly, I've wondered the same thing."

Alice shook her head, brushing her dark bob carefully. "Marlene's just horrified some woman actually managed to tie Sirius down."

Frannie stiffened, forcing herself to look nonchalant as she returned to her DADA textbook.

"Who is your mother?" Lily blurted, before covering her lips guiltily with a pale hand. "I'm sorry! I just can't help but wonder if I know her too."

"You do," Frannie replied, fiddling with her tie. She didn't think she was prepared to face Marlene as her mother, not to mention the uproar between the blonde and Sirius. "But I can't tell you more than that."

Lily looked satisfied, leaning back against her bedframe as she practiced a cheering charm. "I just hope poor Remus is alright, I know full moon is coming up soon."

Frannie's gaze widened in alarm as she looked over at Alice, who was fastening a pretty barrette over her bangs.

"Oh, don't worry!" Alice seemed to notice her worried expression in the mirror as she waved a reassuring hand. "We've all known for ages."

"I swear, they think we're idiots," Lily exclaimed, sticking out her tongue. "Honestly, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots. I'm surprised more of the castle hasn't found out, to be honest."

Alice pursed her lips, her gaze thoughtful. "I've heard several Ravenclaws discuss it. I think what Remus doesn't realize is that most people don't care as long as they're safe."

Frannie bit her lip, thinking of her future godfather, exhausted and worn from years of loneliness and poverty. At least he had found Tonks in the end, although she had not seen them during the battle.

"Severus figured it out first I think," Lily only seemed slightly bitter, her gaze drifting far away in thought. "I said he was being ridiculous. But after that incident in fifth year.."

"Where Sirius tricked Severus into entering the Whomping Willow?" Frannie finished, raising her eyebrows questioningly. "Yeah, that was story I didn't find out until my fifth year." She thought of Snape's Occlumency lessons with a shudder. The Potions Master had insisted on giving her ones with Harry, which needless to say had ended in disaster.

"Probably because he didn't want to ruin his carefree reputation," Lily sighed, slamming her textbook shut. "That's what bothers me most, I think. Is that people don't acknowledge them for the arrogant, bullies they can be."

"I agree," Frannie returned, folding her hair into a twist. "Just because they're charming." She wrinkled her nose, remembering Walburga and Orion's friends. "That doesn't mean a thing."

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