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He easily dodged them. The bullets were no match for him. No one was.

Around him, the world stood still. Bullets flew through the air around him in slow motion, and he ran past them without breaking a sweat. It was as if he didn't have to look where he was going. It was as if he had all the time in the world to choose which way to go.

So if he wasn't looking, how could he possibly have seen it coming?

It was just a small turn. A change of direction. Just rounding a corner.

But when he finally saw it, it was too late to go back. Perhaps he didn't have all the time in the world to choose which way to go after all. And now his time was running out.

He looked down at the dagger pierced into his stomach. He watched as the soldier smirked in victory and twirled the knife deeper into him. The taste of iron in his mouth made tears prick his field of vision.

His breathing became forced, and as he inhaled air, he found himself wondering if it wasn't actually poison, for each breath he took stung and ignited his insides.

He fell to the ground in pain, lay down, clutched his stomach as if that would stop the blood from pouring out of him.

Suddenly someone was beside him, holding him, but his vision was way too blurred for him to see who it was. The person rocked him back and forth as if trying to wake him up from a slumber, and when they spoke he felt the pain ease from his chest.

"No no no. No, Jungkook. Please stay with me. Don't leave. Please."


Jungkook tried to blink away his tears but he had lost all his strength. Jimin's touch suddenly felt absent, dreamy. It all felt like a dream. Peaceful.

And the tiredness came over him. He wanted to close his eyes, just for a few minutes.

The guilt he felt for not having made it, for having failed them was slowly fading.

"I- I'm- I'm s-sorry... S-sorr- Please tell- t-the others. I'm s-s- I'm s-..."


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