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He made them feel guilt. He made them see him as a friend. He took control of their emotions to the point where they couldn't hurt him.

He looked at the man, whose eyes now spoke of trust, and let his guard down.

So did the guard, it appeared. But then suddenly the look in his eyes changed. They became dark. A smirk formed on the man's lips.

"You know, they warned me about you. How you take control over others by controlling their emotions.

"Almost as bad as that other guy. That friend of yours. What was his name again? Nam- namjoon, was it?

"It was cool how he could trick you into trusting us. Never thought he'd succeed."

"What- what are you talking about?"

"Oh? Didn't you know? He took control of your minds, planted small seeds in your heads, let them grow until you fully trusted us.

Such a tragedy when Boss had him killed. Said he wasn't good for anything anymore... I have to say I disagree. With a mind like that guy, I'm not sure what he'd need you for."

Hoseok felt his blood begin to boil. He clenched his fists in an attempt to reduce his anger, to stay unprovoked.

"Huh. Didn't anyone ever tell you to control your emotions? I thought that was what you were good at?"

If only he practiced controlling his emotions like he controlled other's.

It was to no one's surprise that he was no match for the guard. After yet another tragic death followed a dark chuckle.

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