chapter six

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Just a reminder–I don't have much knowledge about injuries other than basic injuries or what I read. So, I also don't really know how you would properly take care of an injury.

Also, this chapter gets kinda intense, so I wanted to add a reminder TW for abuse.


The next morning, it was a bit better, but he was sore and every little movement caused discomfort.

Unlike last night, this morning he finally had the courage to check out his injuries. When he looked in the mirror, he found tons of yellow, green, and purple bruises and cuts littering his body. By now, they should've been gone, but his enhanced healing wasn't working.

At least bruises were all he had though–nothing that needed medical attention.

His face only had a small bruise and cut, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. As for the rest of his body, he just decided to wear a sweatshirt and jeans, despite the heat.

It was only Spring, so it wasn't too hot yet, but he didn't even want to think about Summer.

School was boring as normal, although Ned gave him a protein bar. After telling Ned about the fight he had with the Avengers, he thought Ned was going to faint from excitement or shock.

Once school ended, he didn't run into Flash and went straight to the subway. His nerves made it nearly impossible to sit still.

When he got in the tower, he had to refrain from hanging his mouth open at the sheer size and modern look of the building. After checking in with the receptionist, who looked shocked when she saw him, he received his badge and got instructions on where to go.

Like he was told, he walked over to the elevator, scanned to get in, and waited until the doors closed. There were no buttons, which was confusing, to say the least. He was actually about to go back out when someone, or should he say something, spoke to him suddenly, making him flinch.

"Hello, Mr. Parker. I'm FRIDAY, the building's AI. Where would you like to go?"

All Peter could do was stand there in shock, but after a second he shook it off. "Oh uh, hi, FRIDAY. You can call me Peter by the way. The receptionist said I should go to Mr. Stark's lab."

"Right away, Peter." The elevator started moving up and less than a minute later opened up. Nervously, he walked out directly into what he assumed was Tony's lab.

It was huge and had all types of tools and machines everywhere. It must've been five times the size of any lab he's ever been in. He wanted to look around but was stopped by a door opening and closing followed by footsteps.

He turned around to find Tony Stark. Tony had just walked in the lab with a tablet and was going towards a workbench. He didn't look up or even seem to notice Peter, so he spoke up.

"Hi, uh, M-Mr. Stark."

At this, Tony looked slightly alarmed and snapped his head up, making Peter flinch slightly.

"Who are you?" He put his tablet down on a table and briefly paused before continuing. "Why are you in my lab?" He didn't sound mad, more confused and just a little bit, almost undetectable, accusing.

"Oh, I'm, uh, P-Peter Parker, sir. I-I'm your new intern."

At this, Tony nodded, only now remembering his intern would be coming today but looked back at Peter surprised.

"How old are you?"

"I'm, uh, I'm fifteen."

"Wow," Tony looked impressed, which was a first, and Peter had to contain a huge smile. Tony walked towards Peter and raised his hand. Peter flinched at the movement, causing Tony to raise an eyebrow. Peter blushed slightly and shook his hand. "Well, nice to meet ya, Peter. Let's get to work. By the way, what happened to your face?"

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