chapter eleven

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Hey everyone! It's me again (surprise).

I just wanted to tell you that I'm not sure exactly how Wanda's powers work. I also know that the way I wrote them is most definitely not right but I need to make it ✨interesting✨ and I need ✨plot convenience✨.


The next day was almost as bad as the day before, in terms of soreness. Everything hurt to move as he got himself and the kids ready for school. Although his enhanced healing seemed to be doing its job because the bullet wounds were nearly gone and his other injuries looked a bit better. He still couldn't wear short sleeves though.

When he got to school, Flash made sure to make up for the day he missed yesterday as well. Even with his bruises healing, it hurt when he got hit on one, which was just about everywhere.

His internship went pretty well though.

He wasn't late and he got to work on one of the Iron Man suits with Tony. The best part though was when he got paid. So much had happened, it felt like way more than a week he'd been working there.

Tony said he forgot to write a check, and instead just handed Peter $1000.

$1000! That was more than twice what he made at Delmar's, especially since they didn't even work half the time. He could buy better, and more food for the kids. He could even buy the kids new clothes or toys if they wanted!

Tony wanted him to stay for dinner, but Peter had to get to the store before it closed. He didn't want Tony to know that he was the only one really taking care of the kids though, so he made up an excuse about having too much homework.

He went out and bought more food for breakfast, lunch, and easy dinners. He had to get something easy for Max to make since Peter wasn't usually home for dinner.

When he got home with a bunch of grocery bags, all the kids helped him put them away before he cooked a few pizzas he bought.

After dinner, the kids went upstairs to play and Peter and Max talked while watching them. They didn't even see Demon. Despite the rough start, it was a pretty good day.

The next day, Friday, was pretty average. There was nothing special about it except that Ned wasn't at school. Saturday was a good day though.

He went to his internship, and other than Tony questioning why he was wearing a hoodie and sweats in the heat of the day, it was great.

Peter had been using his old Spider-Man suit after haphazardly patching up the holes. But when he got to the internship Saturday morning, Tony gave him a new suit! It was super high-tech.

It had a ton of different types of webs, a bunch of cool different things it could do, and its own AI, who he named Karen. Peter tried to refuse it since it was probably really expensive, but Tony wouldn't take it back. It made patrol way easier though.

Tony also got him new shoes. Apparently, he'd seen Peter's old shoes which were only held together with duct tape.

At around one, they went upstairs for lunch. He walked into the kitchen to see Scarlet Witch.

"Oh, hey, Wanda. This is Peter, my intern. Peter, this is Wanda. She's been on a mission for the past week and just got back," Tony explained.

"Hi," Peter greeted shyly.

"Hello," Wanda said with a heavy accent.

Wanda's POV

There was something suspicious about Peter. Not necessarily something that made her wary of Peter, but something that made her worried for him. She could practically feel negative emotions radiating off of him–one of the parts of her powers she disliked.

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