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Okay, first of all, lemme just say; this marks exactly 5 months since I started even just planning this story!!

Anyway, here's the bonus chapter!


Meeting Wanda

By the way, the actual chapter Peter met Wanda in is chapter 11, if you want to reread it.

(Wanda's POV)

A rumbling sound came from her stomach, signifying how hungry she was. She'd just gotten back a little bit ago from a mission. Vision went too, and it lasted longer than expected.

She was glad to be home.

The elevator dinged as she walked into the kitchen, and out came Tony with a kid. He looked like a teenager, only fifteen or sixteen.

He slouched slightly, wearing a baggy hoodie and sweats. It was a little weird, considering it was pretty hot out. He looked a little nervous, but he could've just been shy.

"Oh, hey Wanda. This is Peter, my intern. Peter, this is Wanda. She's been on a mission for the past week and just got back," Tony explained.

"Hi," Peter squeaks out. She had to admit, the kid was pretty adorable.

"Hey," she replied, examining him.

There was something suspicious about Peter though. Not necessarily something that made her wary of Peter, but something that made her worried for him. She could practically feel negative emotions radiating off of him–one of the parts of her powers she disliked.

Her eyes glowed slightly red as she prepared to read his mind. She didn't normally read people's minds like this–without permission or unless she was forced to–but she just had a feeling she should.

She was immediately hit with an overwhelming amount of visions, thoughts, and feelings.

She saw death. His parents' death, how he felt sad that he barely knew them. His uncle's death and how he felt guilty when he watched the life fade from his eyes, laying in his arms. His aunt's death, guilt returning, this time with helplessness.

Hopelessly sad. The sadness she felt was overwhelming. And there was still more.

She saw a bully. How he annoyed him and brought his mood down every day.

She saw the orphanage he lived at. How he felt miserable there and dread every time he saw it. The pain of not only the physical but the mental blows. How he started to hate himself and believed that he was worthless.

She felt herself cry out. It hurt, and yet there was still more.

She saw the family that adopted him. The torture they put him through. The abuse. How he wished he could just disappear. The pain was terrible, physical and emotional.

Depression. Anxiety. Anger. Guilt. Pain. Self-hate.

All of those emotions ran through her like a tornado, swirling inside her mind. There were some happy memories and thoughts, but very few. One of the few was him as Spider-Man, but even then he got hurt.

She tore herself from his mind. It wasn't until Vision's hand was on her back and she was surrounded by the other Avengers that she realized what happened.

She was crying and had fallen onto the floor, clutching at her head. She was breathing heavily, trying to calm herself down. Peter's eyes met her own and she locked on. The boy looked scared but concerned.

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