chapter sixteen

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This is it. This is the final chapter of the story. T_T

Remember though, there will be a bonus chapter after this!!!


Tony's POV

He didn't mean to yell at Peter. He just got so frustrated.

The kid went missing for a month, and he didn't have to tell Tony that he was tortured. It was obvious.

He was frustrated that Peter risked his own life to help those people and would very obviously do it again. Especially after hearing how miserable he was.

Peter still hadn't told him hardly anything about what happened, but he almost killed himself? Twice? It hurt him to think that the smart kid he'd come to love, the one he may even consider a son, had been so hurt that he wanted to die.

What was worse was that it happened twice. He'd heard about how some people want to kill themselves, but realized at the last minute that they don't want to die, even if they thought they did. But Peter had tried it twice, which means he really did.

He didn't want Peter to go back to the orphanage. He didn't want Peter to think he was mad at him. But he wanted Peter to know that he can't risk his life like that. It doesn't only hurt Peter, but it hurts him and the other Avengers too.

Did any of the other Avengers know? Bucky might, but judging by the scared look on Peter's face after he said it, he assumed not.

If he could, Tony would go right now and pick Peter up to bring him back to the tower. But if he did that, it wouldn't make things any better between him and Peter. Peter needed to come back on his own first.

Beep. Beep. Beep, beep, beep beep beep. A beeping started and quickly sped up faster and faster.

It was coming from one of his desk screens. It was... the heart monitor installed in Peter's web shooters? Why would it already be going off? Checking his watch, he saw Peter should be back at the orphanage by now.

"FRIDAY, can you get the information from Peter's web shooters and tell me what's happening?"

"Right away, boss. It seems like Peter's heart rate and stress levels are rising. No new injuries detected," FRIDAY's monotone voice informed him.

"Is he on patrol right now?"

FRIDAY paused, before answering, "No, he has taken his suit off, but left his web shooters on." It almost sounded like you could hear emotion in FRIDAY's voice.

Why was he getting so stressed? It could just be because this is his first time going back home in a full month. If that's where he was even going. There was something, some gut feeling he didn't like though.

"FRIDAY, turn on the listening device."

She didn't reply, but audio started playing throughout the room.

The sound was muffled, like it under his shirt. Well, it probably was. If he didn't have his suit on, he'd need to hide the web shooters. Why was he wearing them anyway?

"–ildren for a month! Where the fuck were you?" Some lady with an angry voice was screaming, probably at Peter considering the context.

"I–I, uh..." Peter's stuttering was cut off by a loud bang, some shuffling, and Peter letting out a soft yelp.

It sounded a little too much like Peter being hit or pushed.

"I don't want your damn excuses! Don't even bother with them." Another sound, but this time it sounded softer and Peter let out a groan.

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