chapter ten

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Hey there. This story's getting pretty ✨wow✨. I'm not sure if that's good or bad though.

Here's a quick warning: this chapter features a panic attack. It's about to go downnnnnn.


The internship gave him a chance to calm down and focus on his work. It was a much-needed break after getting shot three times, the Avengers finding out he was Spider-Man, the hectic day at school and detention, and the encounter with Bruce.

The time flew by, and before he knew it he was up in the penthouse having dinner with the Avengers, sitting with Bucky on his right and Tony to his left. It had become a normal occurrence for Peter to stay over for dinner after Tony and Bruce had found he was malnourished when they met.

Peter was worried about what would come at dinner now that they'd discovered he was Spider-Man. Though all the worry washed away when he found that he wasn't treated any differently. Now, he was actually able to share some of his stories as Spider-Man too.

"No that wouldn't work," Thor stated. "He would see it."

They were talking about how to prank Scott the next time he came over. Surprisingly, everyone offered their ideas, including the mature ones, like Steve and Nat.

"Oh, what if we dump honey and glitter on him right when he walks out of the elevator? He wouldn't see that coming," Sam proposes.

Immediately, it's shot down by Steve. "He normally comes up small, and then grows back to normal size to try to scare us when he gets here. We wouldn't see him come in to do that."

They keep tossing out ideas that are usually shot down and bickering about the best way to go about pranking him.

He was having such a nice time, actually getting to relax, that he didn't notice how the super soldier next to him had fallen quiet, his face contorted in anger, his metal arm bending his fork slightly.

Peter was right-handed. This meant his baggy sleeve slid down his arm while he ate. Bucky had caught a glimpse of Peter's wrist and had to set his fork down so that he didn't crush it. He didn't want to think about who would do that to a boy as nice as Peter.

He'd been alive for almost a hundred years–he knew what cigarette burns looked like–but he still wanted to see what Peter would say if he asked.

"Peter," Bucky said quietly, getting the boy's attention. Three others–Nat because she was always alert, Steve since he noticed just about everything his boyfriend did, and Tony because he was sitting on the other side of Peter–also looked over. Everyone else continued with their conversation. "What's that?" It would be hard to miss the anger in his voice.

"W-what?" Peter had an idea of what he was talking about, but just hoped he was wrong.

"Your wrist."

Peter dropped his fork, immediately sliding his sleeve down and holding it there with his left hand, placing his hands in his lap. How could he have been so stupid? So reckless? Especially after Bruce had already noticed them, he should've been more careful. He was glad Bruce wasn't at dinner.

By now, he had everyone's attention and he could feel his cheeks heat up. "It-it's nothing."

Bucky reached to grab his arm, but Peter recoiled sharply and stood up. "Really, it's nothing. I actually have to go, it's already," he checked his phone, and if it were possible, his eyes got big once again, "Ten fifteen. I'm late! Thanks for dinner, it was really good. I'll see you tomorrow."

Peter all but ran into the elevator, the Avenger's eyes burning holes into the back of his head. Tony heard a small 94% and almost choked on his food. Peter was on the verge of a panic attack. Tony tried to stop him before he could leave, but Peter was already gone.

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