chapter eight

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Not so much of an author note, but let's be real. Nat knows everything, and what she doesn't know, she figures out pretty damn quick. Super spy / assassin / badass in general perks. (if you couldn't tell, Natasha's one of my favorite characters lol)


Clint's POV

Normally on Sundays, Clint went to spend time with his family. But they were out of town this weekend, so he decided to just take a day to relax instead.

He went to a random park, hoping to just sit and enjoy his coffee. There were a lot of kids at the playground, and hardly any parents around. It was somewhat concerning to see a bunch of kids unsupervised in the middle of New York.

But before long, they all grouped together. Clint looked over to see what looked like two teenagers that had called them. On closer inspection, he realized that not only were they teens, but one of them was Tony's new intern, Peter.

What was Peter doing with that many kids? Clint himself could barely handle his own three kids.

They started to leave the park with Peter leading the group, and Clint abandoned all hopes of having a relaxing day off. He was going to spend the day doing one of the things he did best: spying.

The way Peter acted yesterday was suspicious and raised some red flags, and it was obvious he wasn't the only one who thought so. It only gave him more of a reason to spy on him.

He watched as Peter led them through the busy streets and into a store. It was hard to see what he was buying, but he couldn't miss how Peter took all the cash out of his wallet and didn't put any back in before shoving it back in his pocket.

Then, he continued leading the kids a few more blocks to... an orphanage? Was he an orphan, or was he just hanging out with the kids? He must either live or have lived here to know the kids. It would explain a few things.

Clint decided to wait to see if Peter would come back out or not. After a few minutes, he did and he no longer had the grocery bags. Did he spend all his money to buy food for the orphans?

Clint stopped following him, instead going to the tower to tell the team and ask their thoughts.

It didn't take him too long to get back to the tower, and when he got back, the first thing he did was gather the team in the living room. Everyone sat down on the couches and waited for Clint to start.

"So I was at the park today and I saw your new intern Peter."

"Yup, well I figured he probably had a life outside of this. Is there a point?" Tony was sarcastic, but he couldn't completely hide the curious look he had.

Clint rolled his eyes. "Let me finish. He was there supervising like twenty kids. After how he acted yesterday, I decided to spy on him. He went to the store and spent all the money he had left on food for them and then took them back to an orphanage."

"Is he an orphan, Tony?" Bruce asks, somewhat worried for the answer.

"Maybe?" Tony said, but it sounded more like a question.

"Did you not do a background check on him before you hired him?" Steve wondered incredulously.

"Nope. Pepper hired him." Before they could start bickering, Natasha spoke.

"Well, either way, it's bad. Did you see how he acted yesterday?" She was met with blank looks from everyone except Clint and Bucky. "Do I really need to list it all off?" she asked exasperated.

"Yeah, actually. Please do."

She sighed and rolled her eyes, before starting a long explanation of what she saw. "Whenever someone moved quickly around him he flinched. He was tense when everyone was around him. He avoided eye contact, fidgeted and got lost in thought a lot, was super quiet, and hesitated before doing anything.

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