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"You're an absolute cunt Ben." The taller girl called out as she watched him take 1st place from her. He stuck his tongue out in response to her complaints. She elbowed his side, " You're so bad at Mario kart that you have to cheat to win, so put your tongue back in or I'll cut it off."

As of now the two had been playing Mario kart. Y/n had been on break from missions, upon the boss's orders. Lately she had been caught in several sightings, which increased the amount of people in search of her. It was nearing her break however, as the hype died down.

Many people across the globe searched for the legends known as the creepypastas, but normally it wouldn't be such a problem. The problem begins once the police get involved, and begin patrolling the heavily wooded areas.

Y/n wasn't a new proxy, but she was new enough to be considered a new member. She had been recruited a year ago. An experiment gone wrong, some would call her. She was a test for heightened intelligence. Scientists had wanted to test if they could alter the human brain using a chip, wanting to increase mankind's intelligence and understanding.

This however went wrong, as she had the intelligence to escape. Sure it wasn't much, but along with her intelligence her programming allowed her to run, hear, and see better than the average person. She had made it past police, as well as making it to an abandoned cabin.

There she had come face to face with the infamous Jeff the Killer. At the time sure she would hear nurses express their worries for a rising serial killer. However that was all she would ever hear, nothing more nothing less.

In that moment, she couldn't do much except defend herself, she wasn't able to beat him. Although she held her ground, they had been struggling on the forest floor as twigs and thorns would pierce her back. Before he could plunge his tattered knife into her chest she heard the loud crackling of static. It went black after that.


"Y/N OW! That hurt you fuck head!" Ben yelled back at her, his electronic voice rung in her ears. "Well then maybe don't use your dumb exploits when racing me." She said rolling her eyes. "Whatever.." he mumbled crossing his arms.

As she was ready to start up a new round a voice echoed in her head.

"Y/n could you please meet me in my office?"

She replied with a 'yessir' as she told Toby to take her place in the game. He took the controller from her hands, almost dropping it when he had to tic. She then made her way out the living room, and in the direction of their staircase.

They all lived in a mansion of a house, the outside gave off an abandoned look.  Vines and fungi littering the area as well as cracks and rotting wood kept the outside stable.While the inside was a cozy dark oak built house. They made sure to keep it as nice as they could, which wasn't too nice since they were a house full of killers.

She made her way up the stairs, making some of the steps creak underneath her. She made her way through the halls passing different bedrooms. Each door was telling of who's room it was. Sally's door being covered in stickers, Bloody painter's gorgeous painted designs on his, and Jeff's could be seen covered in stains and knife markings.

She made it through as she went past the proxy hallway. She finally reached a grand door, with trimmings and carved designs. She opened the door and took a step inside. "What would you be needing from me boss?" She inquired as she shut the door lightly behind her.

"I need you to go out on a mission for some files, your files to be exact, I was able to trace back on the specifics of who was investigating you." He explained. She listened carefully, until she heard the door click behind her. In walked Masky, another one of Slenderman's proxies.

Her and Masky never got along. Ever since she joined and took his role as Slenderman's right hand they've been at each other's throats. He would call her names, trip her, get into fights, embarrass her in anyway possible. She despised him for it, he was overly cocky and an overall prick.

"Sir with all respect what is he doing here? I thought this was about my mission." She asked while glaring at the masked man next to her. He only glared back at her through his mask.

"You're still under strict watch, people may recognize you and if that happens it's better to have a partner to help." "But sir- can't Toby or Hoodie help me??" She pleaded. "They'll both be wrapped up in their own missions. Just do as you're told, and get this done tomorrow night. I'll give you the files in a bit to look over."

She sighed, "Yessir. I'll be sure to bring back the files on time." She got up as did Masky, and walked out the door closing it behind her once again. "Good job fucking up." Masky said under his breath.

"Listen here, if you hadn't left me during our forest watch, I wouldn't have been spotted like that." She said glaring into the black pits of his mask. "I'm not at fault for your clumsiness." He said as he bumped past her. She huffed out in annoyance as she made her way back to the stairs.

"Quit following me you stalker." He said turning to her. " I'm not following you dumbass I'm going back down to play videogames with Ben." She replied with a scowl. She absolutely hated his remarks, they always got under her skin in the worst possible ways. "Like I'd believe a stalker like you."

She stopped walking down the steps and looked over at him. "Even if I was a stalker I'd never follow you." "You would though." He said, she could hear the smile in his tone. That smile would soon be gone as she kicked him down the rest of the stairs.

Watching him fall down the stairs would've been absolutely entertaining if he hadn't dragged her down with him. They landed on the floor with a thud as Y/n began to yell. "You absolute fucking prick-" she started as she kicked him again. "Aw is someone mad that I just gave back the same energy as you back there?"

Her blood boiled, it was always those snarky remarks that pushed her over the edge. He was just so infuriating. "Go fuck yourself  TiMotHy" she snapped back. His brows furrowed under the mask, "Don't fucking call me that." She smirked a bit knowing she got him upset.

    "Oh I'm sorry Tim, would you rather me call you doll face instead? I know how much you love my nicknames for you!" She said with a pout. He grimaced, "You disgust me." She laughed to herself as he stormed off to the kitchen.


Strawberry Lollipops {masky x reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang