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She awoke once again, in front of her were the icy blue eyes of a crazed man. The girl jolted back, a string of curses spewing from her mouth. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM??" she began to yell. "Ohhh nothing much, I just want something of yours, since you know.. you decided to take something of mine." He snarled.

The girl only grew more frustrated. Not only did he wake her up in the middle of the night, but he had woken her a second time only to spew nonsense. "Get out of my room dumbass, I didn't do shit, I only warned you of the consequences." "Typical coming from Slender's lapdog." She only angrily sighed.

It was apparent that he wouldn't let her go back to sleep. So she threw the covers over, pushed him aside, and made her way out her room. Firstly she had to deal with her bitch of a partner, she wasn't about to deal with another one.

For once she wanted time for herself. She didn't feel like training, or messing with Ben or Toby. Today would just be for her.

The mansion's library was calm and quiet as she sat there and read. Reading wasn't always her first activity she'd choose, but it was nice from time to time. As of now she was reading some horror book, she wasn't really paying attention the more she read it. Her mind kept drifting to other topics, such as "should I eat something or when should I do laundry."

Her mind soon wandered off to when she had first been recruited back to the mansion. She had woken up in a hospital like room. Initially she'd thought she was caught and brought back to the lab. That however didn't last when she met a peculiar looking boy with a blue mask.

What really caught her eye about him was the black ooze that dripped from his eye sockets. It never seemed to fall on the ground, but it always remained flowing. In his hands he held a tray with tweezers, tissues, and what she believed were splinters?

Confused she asked what was going on, I mean she did just wake up. Soon enough she sat there while the mystery man explained where she was. "The name's Jack by the way, you can come to me or Ann whenever you're hurt." "Oh, thank you I guess.." she responded before hearing the same ringing from earlier. 

The door opened and in came the tallest person? creature? She's ever seen.

I'll explain everything my dear child.

He would speak, but he never spoke outwards. She was creeped out by that. What she wouldn't know, was that she would grow used to it. Over the months she had been trained. They heightened her strengths, and improved her weak points.

After about a month or two of training, she remembered when they first introduced her to the rest of the mansion. She remembered the different tones in which each person greeted her. Sally had seemed the most excited seeing that another girl was recruited into their house of madness.

Treat our newest edition with respect, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, go show Y/n around and to the proxy hall.

Rang that same voice before leaving promptly. The girl turned towards the three Slenderman had pointed out. Her first impressions of the three weren't the best ones. To her they seemed utterly incompetent, none the less she'd be accepting them as fellow proxies.

The first to introduce themselves further was Toby. He was rather excited, she hadn't known why at the time. However she did find out later on that he hadn't gotten along with Hoodie or Masky much. She remembered how vigorously Toby had shook her hand that day. She had thought he'd dislocated her arm. He then began asking her how she ended up here, where she came from, and all of the sort.

She answered them as much as she could, earning a snarky remark here and again from the masked man she would now be hating. "What crawled in your ass and died? I'm only answering questions and you're giving me a hard time." She had began to argue.

Masky, who at the time wasn't used to people talking back, stared in annoyance. Hoodie however choked back a chuckle, seeing as his friend was being challenged. To say the least, this would've technically been the start of their rivalry. If she hadn't risen in the proxy ranking.

She remembered the day boss had moved her to second in command, Masky was absolutely livid. On tasks and missions prior to this, she'd constantly listen and follow orders. Completing them with efficiency, she was a model proxy. However once she was put as Slenderman's right hand man, she was giving orders.

Every group mission, duo mission, or just giving out files. She was in charge, and she absolutely loved how angry it made Masky. For years he's been in this position, only to be demoted by a newbie within a couple of months.

Countless of times he'd stand and begrudgingly take orders. It only fueled her ego, the satisfaction she got was immeasurable.


Her thoughts were pushed aside as she heard the library door open and shut. Turning her head she stared in annoyance, annoyance in which her thoughts were interrupted.

"Masky get out, I'm not in the mood for your bullshit." She yelled out as soon as she saw the tufts of brunette hair. She often found her saying that same line, the constant go fuck yourself.

He stayed quiet, ignoring what she had said. She laid her open book a little closer to her lap as she looked at him questioningly. Soon sitting next to her, she still stared at him. "Bro??? What the fuck?" She quirked an eyebrow.

He said nothing, it hadn't helped his mask covered up his expression. Out of nowhere he laid his chin on her shoulder, looking down at the pages of her book."What're you reading?" He said, barely above a whisper.

It took her a bit to register what was happening. She stiffened under his touch, "Masky please get off... I still feel uneasy after our last mission.." she said in a quiet, almost breathy tone. He never responded, only keeping his chin rested on her shoulder.

".. I'm gonna go.." y/n said awkwardly as she shifted away. She stood up and walked out the door swiftly, clutching her book to her side. Her face was absolutely red, that was embarrassing she kept thinking.

What the fuck was happening??


Strawberry Lollipops {masky x reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora