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TW: there are mentions of sexual assault, so if you're uncomfortable and would like to skip the part, I'll be putting a single flower to signify the start and end to the section. Stay happy and healthy y'all!

Happy reading <3


Before the group of four stood an empty looking cabin that laid in the woods. It was dark and chilly out, word went out that someone was holding a haunted party. A local college, they had set up lights, music, and alcohol.

The booming music seemed to shake the old rotten deck. No wonder Boss wanted this taken cared of, it was loud, obnoxious, and too close to our mansion. Toby stood behind Y/n as Hoodie stayed in front. Masky had begun circling the area, looking for the best way in.

It was preferred no one escaped, absolutely no one. " It looks like the back right window has the least amount of people." Masky stated as he came back. "What if I take off my mask to blend in and board up all other exits? They're all probably drunk they won't realize what I'm doing." Y/n suggested. Hoodie seemed to think it was a good idea as he nodded. "For once, you're smart." Masky said crossing his arms.

She huffed out cold air as she scowled at him.  " It's what I was programmed for Doll." "Stop fucking calling me that and go in the window already!" Masky responded in annoyance. She gave him a hard look while mouthing what he had said in mockery. Taking off her mask fully she handed it to Toby, "Be right back, I'll let you guys in after I'm done." Hopping through the back window she made sure not to be noticable when coming in.

The smell of cheap alcohol and sweat hit her face. The lights gave her a headache and the music shook the floor she stood on. Making her way throughout the crumbling building she made sure to lock and break any door handles that could lead to escape. Even making sure it'd be hard to jump out certain windows.

Making her way back through the crowd she opened the door to the back window. The hoards of people began to make her feel nauseous causing her to rush. Before she could signal them in someone grabbed her arm from behind. Shocked, she whirled around, before her stood a clearly drunk looking boy. His hair was ruffled and he swayed slightly.

He smiled down at the proxy, sweat seemed to coat any exposed skin. The boy stunk of alcohol and body odor causing her to gag. She began to grow annoyed with whoever this was in front of her.

"Where are you off to gorgeous?" He said slightly slurring his words. Y/n scrunched her face, his breath reeked more than his sweat. "Let go, or you'll regret it." "Feisty, I like it." He said with a smile. Before she had even realized he had her pinned to the floor. Squirming she reached for her gun.

Taking it from her and throwing it he said, "kinky, but we can use that later if you want to.." to this she only resisted more. Her mind was racing as he tried taking her top off.

Holy fuck
Holy fuck
Holy fuck

That's when she began screaming, "GUYS HELP! PLEASE! HELP! MASKY PLEASE!!" she began thrashing, a hand met with her face when she did this though. "Stop moving I know you like it." Tears pricked her eyes, she never thought she'd have to deal with something like this.

"Move it asshole." Came a voice, and soon the weight that was once on top of her was gone. Her sweater was slightly ripped and her overalls unhooked. Tears rolled down her face, cooling the burning slap mark on her face. Small water droplets fell on the hard wood as she stared in shock at the ceiling above her. A thump sounded on the other side of the room, as someone lifted her up so that she was sitting instead of laying down.

Toby stood next to the now dead man, his hatchet bloody. He looked absolutely furious, however his gaze softened looking at her. Taking off his hoodie he handed it to her, gaining a soft thank you from the girl. Guess she would have to ask boss to go shopping for clothes again..

All she could think about was what had just happened. How the floor felt cold under her, the burning sensation on her wrists and face, and how she yelled in such a pitiful way. She had yelled for Masky, not even realizing she done so. He's more serious when getting these missions completed is what she kept telling herself. Nothing more, nothing less.

Slipping into the hoodie she zipped it up, pulling the hood over. She stared blankly at the floor, still as ever. Until a hand nudged her head, she didn't want to move. "C'mon, take your stupid gun. We'll take care of the rest, stay outside and watch for anyone who gets out." Said Masky

She took the gun, slowly staring at it as she held it tighter. Sighing Masky gently held her stinging face in his cold glove. It felt soothing to the touch but she still flinched. Backing off he then told Toby and Hoodie to follow.

Getting up lightly she lifted herself out the window. The screams from the house sounded muffled in its decaying walls. Quietly circling the house she observed it, making sure there was no one who had made it out alive.

Slowly the house grew quieter, she sat on a log nearby awaiting her companions. Honestly she didn't know how to feel at the moment. She felt confused, drained, and dull. She wanted to be left alone, especially by them.

They had just seen her at her weakest point. That upset her even more, she felt so, pitiful. Almost like a sad stray in an alleyway. She sighed in frustration, pulling the strings of the hoodie tighter.

Why do men.

She stared at her hands, oh how she wished to be the one to kill that idiot. If only she had been paying attention. If only she was strong enough. If only she had shot him quick enough. If only..

A light hand touched her shoulder, she recoiled at the touch. Snapping her head over she was met with hoodie. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you..Come on, let's go home. We'll let you have a warm bath before any of us." He said softly. God, she just felt so weak, she just knew they would start babying her for this. So sad, weak, defenseless. "Ok.." she said brushing his hand off.

The walk back home was quiet, and somewhat tense. Toby seemed to be ticked off beyond belief, later splitting from the group claiming he needed to blow off steam. It was just now Hoodie, Masky, and her. Walking down the path y/n would only stare at the mud. Watching as the twigs and leaves crunched beneath her shoes.

She continued to trail behind the duo, even if hoodie tried to make an effort to have her next to him. Making it to the front door Masky went ahead, going up the stairs. Hoodie turned to Y/n saying he would take care of tonight's report. "Rest up, you really need it." He said gently. "Ok Brian.." she said mumbling.


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