✧Chapter. 9✧

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Walking rather hastily out the library the now frazzled girl sped back to her room, praying Jeff wouldn't still be in there. Or at least, not messing with her room as well.

Upon making it back into her room, she shut her door lightly. Before letting out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. She felt ridiculous at the moment. She hated her new self. The overly anxious feelings, the tiredness, and the confusion.

She wish she could forget about that mission, but it felt like any bit of contact was bad contact. Sighing she sat on the edge of her bed. Glancing around her room she analyzed every detail, making sure Jeff hadn't planted anything dumb in her room.

For some reason, she began to feel even more anxious in her room. Mostly since she wasn't sure if Jeff had done anything to it yet. Moreover her room just felt claustrophobic at the moment. Taking a deep breath in she got up. Maybe some Tv in the living room could help soothe her nerves.

Walking down the stairs quietly she began to take in even breaths in attempts to calm herself. Only to find that most of the mansion had seemed utterly silent.  Where had everyone gone? she thought to herself.

Upon sitting down on the living room couch she remembered that today most of the house had missions to go on. Even members such as Bloody painter, who was usually cooped up in his room creating artwork was out.

Suddenly feeling quite uneasy again in the house she got up looking for smile in hopes the dog would like to go on a walk together. She didn't feel comfortable in the house, having Jeff somewhere hiding and Masky in the library did not feel like a good combination. Sure she was a proxy and she could handle herself, but in this moment she still felt paranoid and hadn't wanted to go alone for a walk.

She began to call out for the lovable pup, whistling and calling his name. Soon enough, in came smile trotting down the hall, tail wagging and smile plastered on its face. "Wanna go for a walk boy?" she asked in a baby voice while petting the grinning dog's head.


She laughed as smile ran to the front door, waiting for her to just open it. Walking to the door, she grabbed hold on the cold handle and twisted. A brisk wind hit her face the minute the door had cracked open, allowing smile to run outside.

She watched smile run around in the now dead leaves and frost He would occasionally try to eat a leaf or two, prompting a scolding from Y/n. Smile may have been as much as a creepypasta as the rest of the house, however he was still a rather silly dog at heart.

The two began on their small journey through the cold afternoon air. It was nearing lunch time and the girl began pondering on what she would be eating once they got back. Watching the dog run around her picking up sticks and what not along the trail they walked on, she gave a bittersweet chuckle.

Sometimes she wondered what her life would've been like if she were like smile, or if she had been a normal kid with a normal upbringing. She sometimes still longs for that experience everyone had as a child. Even if most of the creepypastas were just as fucked up as her. A lot of them had that normal experience that she was never given.

She was jealous of that fact.

A harsh blast of wind helped her recollect her thoughts. Looking around her she realized smile was no longer by her side. She began to panic, soon easing when she looking behind her to find smile staring off once again. Her relief was short lived, as she heard the smallest crunch in the ground.

Smile began to take a stance, fur sticking up and teeth snarling. Y/n reached into her pocket, gripping a small handgun she had. She tried analyzing her surroundings, following wherever smile had his gaze fixated upon. Smile only stood at her side growling as if he were guarding her.

After a few more minutes of her silent stand off with the wind she decided to just cut her walk shorter. Putting a hand on smile's head she motioned him to follow her back to the mansion. Smile continued to act on guard the whole trail back, lashing at the air anytime he heard a sudden noise.

Y/n still held a firm grip on her handgun, trying to figure out how to explain her predicament to the boss. This had been the second time this has occurred, and it didn't feel like this would be the last. She could already tell this would be reoccurring and she knew it would be a security issue for the mansion and everyone in it.

Upon making it back to the mansion she could see Hoodie returning from his missions. Hoodie was talking about what happened during his task while Masky listened, lollipop in hand. They both sat on the steps, talking in their own world. Y/n felt a wave of relief seeing the two of them, no matter how much she hated Masky.

She yelled a greeting while still walking up the trail to the house steps. Hoodie waved back happily, while she watched Masky's mouth turn into a frown. "Must you always be so fucking loud? We just got back." he spat crossing his arms. "We? I thought you were still in the library..." the girl asked confused.

Masky flinched when he felt Hoodie stare at him confused as well. "Library?" He asked. "Uh yeah? He was in the library before I left to walk smile." the girl repeated. "Tim when have you ever decided to read? Moreover go in the library? You said you needed to grab your crowbar earlier." Hoodie raised an eyebrow at his colleague.

"What is this? An interrogation? Why is it a crime to check if we own a certain book before leaving the house. If you must know, I wanted to know if we had Carrie in the library. I wanted to read it after our work." He argued defensively. Y/n only made a confused face before glancing at Hoodie who only had shrugged it off already.

Before she could question him again, smile had begun to snarl once again. He stared off into the back corner of the mansion once similarly to how he had the last time. Masky cocked an eyebrow. "What's been up with the dog lately? He did this last time you two were out there."

"I...don't know, I feel like I'm being watched lately and was about to tell boss because smile is seeing something I don't." she confessed while shifting anxiously in her stance.

Masky watched her body movement as she began to describe everything about her walk earlier. She shifted a lot and seemed to be shaking. Smile still stood on guard, watching the wooded surroundings. Masky shifted his eyes trying to pinpoint any figure that smile could possibly be looking at.


Not saying much he got up calling the growling dog over. Although reluctant, smile turned back to go inside the house. The girl let out a breath she was holding and decided on following smile in. "I do agree that telling the boss about this is a good idea Y/n. Especially with your...history." Hoodie suggested as per the last few months being hunted by police.

"I assume so." she replied.


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