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"Give me a leg up." She said as she looked at the back window. It was one of the only ways in without being spotted by security cameras. "Yeah like I'd be able to lift your fat ass." "Doll, shut the hell up and boost me." He grumbled and laced his hands together, bending down a little he boosted her into the window.

Climbing through the window she fell inside with a soft thud. She groaned as she got back up, looking out the window. "You know I would've said nice view, but you're too ugly for me to say that." Masky said crossing his arms. "Oh will you just shut the fuck up and give me your hand?!" She whisper shouted.

Rolling his eyes he reached up, as she yanked him up through the window. He landed hard on the floor, as he rolled over. Getting up slowly he looked over at her, "Maybe next time try to not dislocate my whole fucking arm." She only glared in response.

Looking at the files, she took out the paper with the office's layout. She looked through it, deciding the quickest route to the security cam room. Looking over at Masky who was finally up again she told him to keep his face hidden from any possible security camera in the halls.

The door opened slowly and smoothly as the two slipped out into the halls. The corridor was empty and quiet, except for their steps. They turned down a dead end, opening the door at the back. Inside contained the array of screens and wires. Some had static while others showed the different areas of the building.

Masky had begun to deactivate the system while Y/n kept a look out of the halls. Just in any case scenario the officer they were after had any thought of leaving his room.  A creak sounded as Masky leaned into the door in front of her. Whipping her head around she looked at him. "I finished let's go." She didn't respond back, as she made her way back into the corridors.

The two made their way through all the twists and turns. Eventually making it to the office block, on their left was a door. A sign on the front read "Chantelle". Before Y/n could even touch the door knob Masky swatted it away. She gave him a questioning look, before asking what was wrong with him he whispered. "I'm going in and getting rid of him, I'm not risking anymore of your fuck ups."

Her eyebrows furrowed for what felt like the thousandth time. However if he wanted to do all the work she wasn't going to stop him, it was less work for her anyways. She backed off as he pulled out his crowbar. Wedging and breaking down the door, it landed into the room with a crash. So much for being careful huh she thought.

The officer stood still, like a deer caught on the road. "Who the hell are you?!" He yelled. Masky didn't respond as he rushed to hit him over the head with his crowbar. Y/n had assumed this would be over with soon, until she heard Masky yell in pain.

The investigator had tazed him, and now had him in a chokehold. Y/n was sick of this at this point. First he claims that she would be the one to mess up, yet he couldn't manage to get rid of this stupid cop.

She walked into the room pissed, gun in hand. "Masky what the hell?! Are fucking stupid?" She yelled at him swinging her gun around. The officer's eyes widened at the site of her.

"It's- you.. It's you! B-00 you're the experiment I was supposed to be locating!" He tried making a sudden movement, however she pointed her gun right at his head.

"Don't call me that. I'm sick of people calling me that shit." She said as she shot a bullet into his temple. His grip slackened on Masky as she started gathering all the paperwork laid out. "Next time when you say you're taking care of something by yourself, I'm not letting you." She announced while giving him a death glare.

"I could've taken care of it." "No. You couldn't have. Stop being an arrogant prick. We're leaving." She said brushing past him. "And we're stopping by a convenience store on the way back, I don't want to hear anymore complaints." "You're too fucking bossy." She snapped her head towards the masked man as she responded with, "Too fucking bad."


The fluorescent lights that hung on the ceiling strained her eyes as she waited in line at the cash register. In her hands she held nicotine patches and a bag of lollipops. Out the doors she could see Masky smoking his last pack at the entrance to the forest. Sure the Slenderman threat was a far reach, but she honestly could not stand the smell of him smoking no longer.

The cashier rung up her items as she fished out money from her pockets. She wished the worker a good night before leaving out the doors with a chime. Masky only glanced at the girl in annoyance as she made her way back. Stomping out his last cigarette she held out the patches to him.

"Stick one of these on your arm when you need a fix, and then pop one of these lollipops in your mouth." "What the hell why do I need candy? Do I look like the fucking monochrome clown to you?" He said pushing the bag of lollipops away. She sighed in annoyance as they began walking back.

"It's to help with withdrawal , you can trick your brain into feeling like it needs the lollipops to have that nicotine rush, so soon enough you won't need the taste of cigarettes in your mouth. It's basic psychology dumbass." She said rolling her eyes. She hadn't expected him to understand what she meant, but that didn't stop her from still explaining it.

He stayed silent, soon snatching the bag of candy from her hands. A line of curses flew out under his breath. She ignored him as she organized out the files in her bag. She had to admit, they had quite a lot of information on her. A bit too much for comfort.


Strawberry Lollipops {masky x reader}Where stories live. Discover now