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Taking off her shoes she made her way up to her room. She placed her shoes near the door and began to look through her closet. What an asshole, he even ripped one of her more comfortable sweaters.

Sighing she opted for a band tee and sweatpants. Grabbing all the things she needed she made it to the bathroom. The door was slightly opened as the light from inside shown through. The water was running and the warm steam was almost calling to her aching muscles. The door opened as Masky came out, he stared at her once he was slightly out the doorway.

Grabbing her face again like how he did the other day he looked at her. His touch was gentler than last time, it was strange. "How far did he go?" He said almost above a whisper. "I don't want to talk about it" She mumbled as she squirmed out of his touch. Letting go she watched as he left to his own room. He was just more confusing and confusing by the day.

Closing the door behind her she set her things on the counter. In the mirror her reflection stared back at her. Her face looked duller than usual, and her cheek had a prominent hand mark. She was tired. She undressed as she turned towards the bathtub. The water had some bubbles in it and looked so enticing.

Simmering down into the tub her muscles felt relief. She felt at peace and she was able to wash away any place that was grabbed. Grabbing her strawberry body wash she scrubbed herself down. Washing her hair too, later combing any tangles out. Once done washing she decided on sitting in the warm water for an extra ten minutes. It felt so nice to be surrounded in warmth.

Once done she began to drain the water and dried herself off. Slipping into her clothes she dried her hair off one more time. She definitely felt better, she still didn't feel good, but it was definitely better.

She slipped out the bathroom and went to her room, throwing her now dirty clothes in her laundry basket. She shivered as the water from her hair dripped onto her back. She decided maybe she should read before sleeping, while picking up a book. However the book fell as a jacket was chucked at her head.

"...what the fuck..I'm not in the mood..." She said muffled in the fabric, thinking Ben was trying to mess around. Moving it away from her face she saw Masky in his PJs, a lollipop sat comfortable between his lips. "It's cold tonight. Wear it." He said, closing the door right after. What the fuuck..

Furrowing her eyebrows at the closed door she held the jacket to herself. Looking down at it she decided to just leave it out near her desk. She didn't need a jacket, let alone his.

However after she had decided this she shivered again, grabbing the jacket back. It was slightly bigger than her regular size, but she did enjoy baggy clothing anyhow. Looking at the time she thought it'd be best to just go straight to sleep.

Snuggling up into her blankets she got comfortable in the warmth once again. I guess, she could say she was grateful for the jacket. Burrowing more into it she closed her eyes.

The jacket smelled faintly of his old cigarettes swimming in cologne. It felt as if he'd tried spraying away the smokey scent beforehand.On a normal day she would hate the smokey smell. However it felt comforting, she hadn't known why.


Y/n awoke to the sound of screaming. It wasn't too loud but it was enough to wake her up. Grumbling she got up, and drowsily made her way out the door. Everyone was still fast asleep, and to be honest she couldn't understand how. She quietly made her way downstairs and up to the basement door.

The noise got louder the closer she got the basement entrance. Before she had reached for the door she heard footsteps behind her. "Guess the noise woke you up too huh?" Came a voice, she recognized as Jane. "Yeah it's like what, 4 in the morning??" She replied groggily.

Shortly after the two girls had spoken, they could hear stomping footsteps coming down from the staircase. Brushing past both of them was a fuming Masky and an exhausted looking Hoodie. The two looked at each other before following the duo.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AT 4:21 IN THE FUCKING MORNING?!!?!" Masky began to yell causing Jeff to wince. "Tim shut the fuck up you're not helping by yelling too." Y/n grumbled. "I told you to stop-" "Jeffrey fucking woods didn't I give you a warning from boss about this?" She continued interrupting Masky.

"You didn't give me shit, you only said that this would be my last prisoner!" Jeffery aggressively responded. "You know I'd thought you'd be smart enough to take the hint that it was a warning for the noise too." "He's not capable of comprehension." Jane chimed in, to which hoodie snorted.

They all continued arguing, as Y/n would glance at the man she had seen earlier. He looked far worse than when she'd last seen him. Jeff was a real monster huh, she wasn't one to talk however. Soon the arguing turned to yelling, she couldn't imagine how many people have woken up by now.

That's when a static came through to everyone.

All of you quiet. Get rid of the human now. Or I'll be down there to do it myself, and I do not believe you want so.

"You heard the boss, toss me the fucking gun." Y/n stated annoyed. "What?! NO! You're not killing my victim!" Jeff protested. He kept on throwing arguments of protest. To which Jane grew even more irritated and just grabbed the knife from his pale hands. A string of curses flew from Jeff's mouth before Jane swiftly ended the man's life.

"There. We're done. Good fucking night to all of you. Except you Jeffrey Woods." Jane promptly stormed up the stairs as Jeff stood in fuming anger. The three proxies looked at each other with tired eyes, before looking back at the pale boy before them. Y/n soon shoved him, before going back up the stairs, Hoodie and Masky both in tow.

She yawned while making her way up, her eyes felt so heavy and the warmth of her bed was calling her. The three of them made their ways through the halls. It was quiet till Hoodie had asked a question. "Hey isn't that Tim's jacket?"

Confused at first, she froze upon realization. She still had the stupid jacket on. Fuck. "Brian I think you need more sleep, you're seeing shit." She said defensively, before walking off leaving Hoodie no time to question her any further.

She closed the door quietly before letting out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. Realizing then that she had acted up for no reason. Why was she feeling defensive over a jacket? Who cares she's wearing it, it's not like there's any other reason other than shes cold. Either that or she's seeking comfort after her long mission with the rest of the proxies.

But what comfort could she be seeking from a jacket? Let alone a jacket from someone she hates? She can only assume it's the familiarity of the cigarette scent. Laying down she's convinced herself she would still feel the same about any other jacket from anyone in this household. No matter if she was right or not.


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