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The light rain fell from the sky as Y/n walked through the woods. At the moment she was walking smile dog, since Jeff had grown irresponsible and lazy. Smile walked beside her, sniffing certain trees and perking his head up whenever a squirrel was spotted.

The weather was getting colder as winter began. She was wearing a soft f/c hoodie with her overalls. Pulling her hoodie strings tighter she continued her even step. The weather was nice and she was glad she was able to take a break from the mansion. Sure she enjoyed living there, but the chaos was a bit much at times.

"Come on Smile let's head back before the house burns down without us." She said patting the dog's head. Heading back she could've sworn she'd seen someone in the corner of her eye. Turning more towards the mansion she looked to where she'd thought she'd seen them. To only be met with nothing but the same old house.

Shaking it off she continued with smile by her side. Ahead, on the steps to the mansion she could see Masky staring off into nothing, with a lollipop in his mouth. She smiled triumphantly, had he officially begun listening to her?

"I take it you're finally taking my advice?" She said giving a cocky smile. Masky looked down at her, pulling the lollipop out his mouth. "Shut the hell up, I'm only doing this because it'll effect my work ethic." She only looked at him in amusement, he could just never admit she was right could he?

Smile's growling interrupted their banter however. His fur stuck up slightly as his vision was trained on a certain window of the house. It wasn't even like suspicious looking window either, just the one beside the front door. Y/n stared hard at where Smile had been looking. Still, there was nothing. A chill ran up her spine, that feeling of being watched from earlier coming back.

Ignoring it again she turned back towards Masky. "Whatever you say Doll, we both know I was right." He flipped her off in response as she returned the favor whilst opening the front door. She finally got it open, letting Smile walk in first.

Smile pattered off to his bed, snuggling up as he put his head over the side. She smiled at the pup, then walked over to the kitchen to get a snack. Grabbing a bag of pretzels she proceeded to sit in the living room watching Jeff and Ben argue over something frivolous once again.

They threw insults at each other along with the occasional shove. In the background she could hear the front door open and close, along with footsteps leading to the kitchen. Masky had probably come back inside. "FUCK OFF U DAMNED ELF!!" Jeff yelled.

"Jeff shut the hell up you're being too loud again." Y/n said before Ben could retort. "I wasn't fucking talking to you, butt out." "Well boss wants me to keep you in check, and Ben's my friend anyhow." She responded with a straight face. Behind her she could hear Masky's footsteps again, which had soon stopped near the edge of the couch.

"As if I'd listen to Slenderman's lapdog." Jeff snarled. "I know you're not talking when you look like a damn dog." Butted in Masky, who was leaning against the couch with a soda can in his hand. Y/n turned towards Masky a little, confused why he had jumped in. Moreover, jumped in on her side, she was so used to him taking the opposing side to hers. It was a little empowering she had to admit.

"Shut the hell up TiMoThY at least I don't cover my beauty with a mask." "What beauty?" Masky replied quickly, with a hint of amusement. Within a blink of an eye the two were throwing hands in the middle of the living room. Y/n began to call Hoodie downstairs to help her pull them apart.

Hoodie grabbed and held Masky away, leaving Y/n to pull Jeff out of the way. However when she stepped closer he had elbowed her in the nose, hard. Blood drops hit the floor as she held her nose in pain. "JEFF YOU FUCKING B-" She yelled trying to kick him over. Eyeless jack grabbed her before her kick could even land. Jeff, now was yanked back by Ben, Masky gave him a deathly stare.

No matter the mask that covered his face, she could always somehow imagine his expressions. Jack let go of her shortly, as she still pinched her bleeding nose. "I'll report this to boss, Y/n go clean up your nose." Hoodie said gently. Nodding she held her nose and made her way to the bathroom.

Her nose hurt like a bitch and the blood was spilling down her nose. God was Jeff such an asshole. He pissed her off as much as Masky, he just doesn't know when to fucking quit it. She held a tissue up to her nose, as she cleaned her hands. Her nose hurt, and when she says it hurts, it hurts. It was definitely going to bruise later on. All she wanted to do today was eat her damn pretzels and relax, not get hurt.

As soon as her nose was done bleeding she threw the tissues out and cleaned any dried blood from her face. Looking in the mirror she scrunched her nose, regretting it instantly when pain shot through. The bridge of her nose was slightly red and there was some light blood drops on her shirt.

Turning to leave the bathroom she saw Masky in the doorway. As she was about to ask what he wanted he grabbed her face with his hand. His hand was wrapped around her cheeks and chin, squishing her lips slightly.

"What the fu-" "Is your nose broken?" He said interrupting her. She stared in confusion, "..Um, no probably just bruised.." He let go after staring for a few more seconds, then leaving the bathroom all together.

What the actual fuck just happened she thought. She stood in the doorway, in a daze. What the fuck was wrong with him?

Watching the drops of blood hit the floorboards had almost set Masky off in that moment. All he saw was red. How dare someone, make her hurt in the way he always wanted. Jeffery had stricken her and now he was gonna return the favour ten fold.


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