Chapter 2

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"Okay, class, pop quiz!" Miss Rayley announced, causing a series of groans to come from various students, including me.

Why!? Why!? Why does the universe hate me!? What have I done?!

We all shut our books and set the under our desks as the quiz was handed from person to person.

"This quiz will be over the information that we have learned in the past week, so if you've been paying attention, you will have nothing to worry about." She informs, taking a seat at her desk.

I used to like you, I think to myself.

You used to be my favorite teacher slash person. But now, now I hate you. Now I hope you will be cursed to the ninth circle of hell.

Die you American History nazi.

I know, that last part didn't make sense, but hey, I'm agitated, that's just how I roll.

I let out a deep breath as I stared down at the death trap in front of me. "If you've been paying attention, she says. nothing to worry about, she says." I mock in a quiet, high pitched voice.

"Miss Hale, is there something you would like to share with the class?" She asks me, a challenging look on her face. I love Miss Rayley, I do. But sometimes the lady takes her job way too seriously.

I put on my best fake smile. "No, of course not Miss Rayley." I say, the smallest amount of sarcasm making it's way into the phrase.

Great, now my sarcasm has a mind of it's own.

I feel abandoned. It has moved on to greater and better things... Like sassing teachers who could fail you because they don't like you.

I am so proud.

"Good." Miss Rayley nods. "Let us keep it that way, shall we?"

"We shall." I reply with a mock British accent.

She sighs and directs her attention to the clock. "The quiz begins in thirty seconds, so do some quick preparations and make sure you have everything."

Okay now I'm freaking out.

I didn't study! I'm going to fail! Then I won't be able to compete at the competition! I need this!

I sucked in a breath.

No competition. No money. No college. No leaving.

Stuck here. Forever.

Why do I feel like Smalls from the movie Sandlot when squints told the story of the beast in the tree house.

For-ev-er... For-ev-er... For-ev-er...

"Begin your quiz." Miss Rayley interrupts my thoughts.

I take a deep breath.

Let's do this.


All right, yea, I totally aced it... Okay not really... Maybe I got a B... Or possible C...

All I know is I didn't fail...


Miss Rayley handed me my quiz, but not before saying, "Could you please see me after class, Tessa?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but nodded my head nonetheless.

I looked down at my quiz as the bell rang, only to choke on air.


D-!? A D minus!? Curse the freaking world to the depths of freaking hell!

I slowly stood up and made my way to Miss Rayley's desk in the front of the class.

"Uh... You--" I cleared my throat when my voice came out, sounding like a toad drowning in a swamp. "--you wanted to speak with me?" I ask, trying as best I could to seem like a mature adult.

'Trying' being the key word there. In reality, I probably looked more scared than the chicken who I doubt actually crossed that freaking road. Yea, I bet it just spread a rumor that it crossed the road so that he wouldn't seem like what he really was... A chicken...

Holy crap I must be really scared right now.

"Yes," Miss Rayley replied, giving me a small smile. I started to remember why I liked her. "I have taken notice of you falling behind in my class. So I did some research and, I hate to say it, Tessa you are falling behind in three of your classes." She says to me apologetically.

My mouth drops open as I stare at her disbelievingly.

Three classes.

I am failing in three fudging classes.

I'm doomed! I need to get my GPA up to compete in two months!

"Tessa? Tessa, dear, are you okay?" Miss Rayley asked me, her eyebrows knitted together as worry placed itself on her features.

I shook my head and gave her a forced smile. "I'm fine. Sorry, that news just... Took me by surprise. So uh... How much am I actually falling behind?" I ask, letting out a nervous laugh and scratching the back of my neck.

She looks at me sympathetically, as if she already knew I was going to ask this.

"Tessa, darling, at this rate, if you can't get your grades back up, you won't graduate junior year." She says to me sadly.

I feel tears prick the back of my eyes.

Won't graduate. If I can't do better, I will be held back. It's not like I have any friends except Jordan, but still, being held back? That will kick me out if college AND competing for sure.

"So... Uh..." My voice came out, sounding much like that of a croak, "what do I have to do? Is there anything I can so?"

She then smiled at me hopefully. "Yes actually there is. I know of the extra-curricular sport you compete in--Jordan says you are rather good--so I have assigned our top student to help you with your grades before the end of two months." She says, hope strewn across her face.

I smile at her. Sometimes, this is what I imagine a mom would be like. Her and her son are the closest I have to family.

Without warning, I throw my arms around her and hug her tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaim, holding her snugly.

She laughs softly. "Don't thank me, thank the student who is going to help you." She says with a smile.

I nod my head vigorously. "Who?" I ask.

She nods her head behind me. "Him."

I spin on my heel, only to be knocked speechless.


It's him.

Of all people.

It had to be the cockiest jackface in the fudging universe of fudge.


Will freaking Thatcher.

Fricken frackle firkle fracking fudgeballs.

Fudge fudgety fudge fudge.


He just... And I just... And...

Curse life and fricken fracking fudging universe!


Hahahaha lol idk why but I like this chapter.

Oh I know why.

Cuz I cursed like the dude from Home Alone.

I know I'm that awesome.


I just feel old.


Adios mi compadres

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