Chapter 9

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Dedicated to my friend Marc, who actually legitimately asked me this question.

.... You're a strange one my friend...


"If you woke up and you were a hamster, what would be the first thing you would do?" Will asks out of the blue, causing me to stop writing.

I lifted my gaze and threw him a weird look as he absentmindedly twirled a pen in his hand. "If I woke up... As a hamster..." I reply slowly, believing my ears to be mistaken.

"Yes, a hamster. What would you do?" He questions, setting the pen down and looking at me with raises eyebrows.

I blink at him a few times, still not believing that he was asking such a ridiculous question. "Why would I wake up as a hamster?" I question incredulously.

He shrugs. "I don't know. Just answer the question."

I set my pencil down and lean my in my chair, running a hand through my hair thoughtfully. "Well... I guess I would learn how to skateboard and become the world's first skateboarding hamster."

He raises an eyebrow at me as his eyes study me. "A skateboarding hamster? Why?"

I shrug my shoulders and leave my chair, walking over to the cabinet with all the coffee mugs. "I don't know... Maybe because it's the one thing I love and am good at as a human and I would want to keep that."

"Hmm." He hums thoughtfully as I reach for a second mug.

"You want some coffee?" I ask, leaving my hand suspended mid-air as I wait for his answer.

"Yea, sure." He replies. I nod my head and grab the second mug before walking over to the Kurig coffee maker and setting in the first coffee. I press the button and turn around to see will watching me thoughtfully.

"Um..." I say, looking around me to see if he was looking at something else. He tilts his head to the side as a smile plays at his lips.

"Two questions. One: Why are you looking at me? Two: wet cream or dry?" I question him, turning back around to make the coffee after I exchange the mug in the machine for mine.

"Wet cream, please." He replies, his breath tickling my ear.

My eyes widen as I spun around only to stand a foot away from a smirking Will. "I... Ah... Um... Wet cream it is..." I awkwardly say, scooting to the fridge and pulling out the French Vanilla coffee mate.

Will bursts out laughing as I--in a rather flustered way--hand him the cup mumbling 'here ya go' under my breath. He grins ear to ear at me, showing a dimple on each of his cheeks.

Oh fudge monkeys... A girl's gotta love dimples...

I scold my inner voice for ever thinking about Will like that before going and making my own coffee.

"You're so innocent." Will says humorously, and I walk back to the table with my coffee in hand, giving him a strange look.

"Me? Innocent? Puh-lease. I am far from innocent." I argue with a non-chalant wave of my hand.

"Oh really?" He challenges, raising an eyebrow. "Say, sex." He orders me.

I scoff. "Really? That's the best you got? Anybody can say that word."

"What word?" He questions me mischievously.

"The word you told me to say." I reply cooly.

"Say it." He says with a grin.

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