Chapter 32

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Cover by 12345klj I think it is unique <3

And I just need to apologize for my extreme absence on wattpad recently. I was just very busy with finals, Nationals, school, SAT, and other things. I really hope you guys can forgive me now that summer is here!

And just warning you, SC has around four to six chapters left! CRAZY RIGHT!?


Life is a funny thing. At one moment, an individual could feel as if nothing will ever go wrong, just because at that time everything feels so right. However, anyone who has lived knows that majority of the time, those happy moments can change to being disastrous in the blink of an eye.

"I'm sorry, but did you just say coma?" Asked Jordan, his voice showing nothing short of shock, incredulity, anger, and sadness.

At the moment, I was feeling the exact same thing.

"Yes," the nurse replied sadly, "I did. However, before you begin to fall into extreme assumptions, let me make a clarification. Julia is in a coma, but she should wake up from it in the next few days."

Hold up... Nurse lady say what?

"I'm sorry, I--along with the kids here--am a little confused. Could you please explain a bit more?" Mrs. Rayley requested, her face showing nothing but a calm composure--save for the slight furrow between her brows.

The nurse nodded in affirmation as she escorted us further into Julia's hospital room, closing the door behind her once we were all inside.

"Most definitely. You see, Julia did not suffer a head trauma. Because of the fact that her coma was not induced by an external source, it was easier to find and fix the problem that brought this upon your friend." She said, grabbing a clipboard that was hanging on Julia's bedside and looking down at the papers. "However, this is where the situation becomes worrisome. The reason why Julia collapsed and fell into a coma, is because she is extremely malnourished. According to our calculations, the last sufficient meal that she would've had would be around four days ago."

Oh my God.

I felt frozen. I felt numb. I felt as if someone had taken a rope and wrapped it around my chest until it couldn't expand for me to breath. I swallowed thickly, wincing as my throat seemed to nearly close up. As Jordan and his mother gasped in surprise and shock, all I could do was ask why. As they began firing off questions to the nurse, I could hardly hear the words.


Why did she do it? Why did she fall back? Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she get help? Why didn't she see the problem and fix it?

Why didn't I notice?

Maybe because I was too absorbed with my own issues, to realize what Julia was going through.

I could've stopped it, if only I had seen the signs, the symptoms.

I am responsible for her suffering.

It is all my fault.

All. Mine.


The ringing of the school bell awoke me from my not-so-peaceful slumber. Sighing to myself, I lethargically slipped my books into my bag and stood to leave the room.

I didn't even know what class this was.

Eventually, I managed to make it out through the hoard of teenagers trying to leave the classroom. My feet moved on their own accord as they carried me away from the door and down the hallway, taking me towards the location of my locker.

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